In 2007, Alan Watt warned us that once they get us to have our ID cards with active chips and tracking, it is game over

Alan Watt: “We have Ken from Texas here as well. Are you there, Ken?

Ken: Yes, this is Ken down in Fort Worth. Hey, there’s a new book coming out next year. The author is Abraham Bolden. It’s called ‘Echo from Dealey Plaza’ about the JFK stuff. He was the first black secret service guy. I guess he was in Chicago when Kennedy got killed and they swept him under the rug and he’s come out with a book pretty quick. His name is Abraham Bolden. At Amazon you can locate it and his story needs to be told. Sherman Skolnick mentioned it years ago and I completely forgot about it but I ran across this story just lately. Are you following this Leo Wanta story about the bank?

Alan: Not really.

Ken: You’re not?

Alan: No.

Ken: People should hunt Leo.

Alan: I don’t scour the internet on all the — there’s a thousand things you can scour. What I try to look at is what’s happening on a big scale to everyone.

Ken: Need to hunt Christopher Story the guy, I think he’s got in England he’s got a report and he’s putting out the reports and he’s talking about Robert Rubin and Citibank in New York and he’s not coughing up the money and but Leo Wanta you can track — he’s an ambassador. He needs to be brought before the Senate and the House and talked to immediately. Leo Wanta, you can track the stories down.

Alan: I’ll look into it. I try to look in the bigger picture of things because as I say there’s a billion distractions and many of them are genuine and worth following up, but we have to change the main things that are happening because the time is getting short. The time is really getting short, where we’re getting sprayed and we’re going to get our ID cards with active chips and tracking and all of this police state stuff. We have to stop this for everyone or it’s game over. It truly is game over. Everyone knows the money scam has been rotten from the beginning. It’s always been — money itself is a scam, training the people, again behavior modification, to throw away things they could trade and giving them something else to replace it that someone else controls. That’s silly in itself.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

Alan Watt

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