How to keep on alluring people to be injected with vaccines – Russia’s cash payments for the Hepatitis Vaccine

In the town of Oleshky in Kherson Oblast, residents were vaccinated against hepatitis A. In total, 26.7 thousand doses of the drug were received because of the flood that hit this region. According to Assistant Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Kuznetsov, 28 mobile teams provided assistance to the population in the territory.

Only Russian passport holders received financial aid from the Russians and the cash amounted to 10,000 roubles, or roughly US$112 (ed.). But, in order for Oleshky residents to get this cash, they had to be vaccinated against hepatitis A, which obviously the community desperately needed in the wake of the floods last summer. Such floods occurred after the occupiers blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. This is what we are told.

Now this is backdated news of last July, but it is also a reminder that people are being lured in to be injected with poison through money, just like as were Covid-19 vaccines were in some places, in a new global system where science is the new religion and money is the bible.

This is a reminder that you will continue to be presented with carrots so that you are lured in to accept any of the upcoming evil agendas. Non-compliance is the way forward.

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