How they planned to scientifically create a reality around us through indoctrination from a very early age

“It’s astounding. It’s astounding to me to know what I know and to have read all the old books of how they were going to scientifically create this reality all around us through indoctrination from a very early age. An ongoing indoctrination through television for the adults and has it ever been successful, because the average person is so out of touch, so incredibly out of touch with the only true reality there is, that it’s a different world all together. They cannot tell fact from fiction anymore. Most people have watched so many gory movies and blood movies and guts movies put out by Hollywood and Hollywood itself has admitted a few years ago they were getting massive funding from the Pentagon to put these war movies out by the way.

You cannot be entertained today and enjoy it. If you watch any of these movies you have to sit and analyze them; as soon as you identify with the characters, you’ve lost it and you’re being indoctrinated. They’re downloading into you. That’s what’s happening, and people today as I say have no idea what’s really going on. They hear the sanitized sterilized stuff that comes across the mainstream news and they haven’t seen their heroes over there booting children. Booting them as they come out of houses because they’re not going out fast enough and knocking them to the ground or hitting them with their rifle butts and that kind of stuff. They don’t see that. It’s all sanitized news that you get, so they think everything is some sort of big Hollywood production with John Wayne in it, where everyone has 1950’s morality or something, and even that was all fake because again it was Hollywood.

However, that’s what they’ve done. They’ve given the adult generation that’s got the children a completely fake reality and they’re actually training your children to grow up and be soldiers. Soldiers who will fight for a cause that they won’t even care about. They won’t care why about anything. They just want to wear that uniform and be like the warriors in the Star Wars movies, faceless armor-clad beings, just numbers that do what they’re told and shoot and kill. That’s the unfortunate part of it and not to stop there. The suicide rate within the army has shot up and it’s three times higher than the 6,000-odd per year they’re telling you; and that’s not attempted suicide, that’s successful.

Now another report has just come out where they’ve talked about autopsies on the brains of a lot of these troops and the frontal lobe part of the brain has shrunk. My, my, my. What would cause that? The experts are stumped. They think, oh, it could be Gulf War, this mysterious Gulf War Syndrome or something. They forget all about the testing even as far back in Vietnam and repeated in the Jane’s magazines and others since then (the official military equipment magazine) on the Pentagon’s desire and striving towards the super-solider through chemical means, eventually becoming cyborg but first through chemicals.

The Canadian troops who are in Somalia — this is from a documentary on the CBC News (that’s a government owned station, that’s like the BBC for Canada) talked to some of the troops back from Somalia a few years ago and they all complained of massive hallucinations during their whole tour there. They put it down to — this is what they told the public. They put it down to the new type of anti-malarial drug they were being given, which the French themselves had banned because of these effects. One solider said he couldn’t believe what he’d done afterwards because he was hallucinating through all these colored scenes, just like LSD, and going through villages and pulling his pistol out and pointing it at children’s heads wondering whether to pull the trigger or not just for fun.

You see soldiers are disposable. You’ll find most presidents have utter contempt for them. Contempt because they know the mentality of them and the mentality isn’t too high. It’s juvenile. It’s juvenile and it’s kept that way and reinforced now with conditioning. I’ll be back with more about it after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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