How psycholinguistics is used to make us slumber into vast changes in a controlled world of ‘we are all one’ business where everyone must have a function

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt Cutting Through the Matrix and talking about how psycholinguistics, the way words are formulated and put together to indoctrinate you and make you slumber through vast changes, tremendously vast changes.

You know they used to start up these encounter groups (and Masonic organizations actually started them up, encounter groups) where they’d take leaders and executives from corporations and get them all together and they’d give out their hidden hostilities towards each other and so on, and they’d tear up pillows and bash them and all that, then they’d hug each other and have affairs and all that kind of stuff. These characters themselves had a mind job done on them, but the idea was to get them to think in a new direction. That was the whole point of it. Not to think logically, sentimentally or even humanely in a sense, but to end up coming out there with ways and formulas to get what they wanted out of life from people that they wanted. It’s a type of indoctrination and it went much, much higher than that because they went into psycholinguistics and the higher organizations especially in advertising they use this science of how to string words together for specific effects and public relations people. Everyone hires public relations specialists today, even the police forces. Even your local police forces will have one. His job is to lie about something in such a way that he can’t be done in being caught in a lie and also to put you at ease when the police have done something wrong.

Therefore, everybody that works supposedly for the public has a public relations adviser and office that will run you in circles and never admit to anything. That’s their job, but they do it with the use of terminology that puts you to sleep and makes you think everything is fine and hunky-dory. The advertising companies that are really the leaders in this; the marketing companies are fantastic strategists with this particular way. The advisors and even scriptwriters to presidents and prime ministers also take huge courses on this how to string words together in such a way that the general public never catch on to what they’re really hearing. They use comfy little terms and phrases.

These characters could get Dachau the prison camp and make it sound like Disneyland and make you want to go there. That’s their job. That’s their job and everything now to do with Homeland Security and where the world is going in this big wonderful ‘we are all one’ business, this big world prison camp where we’re followed, tracked, traced and eventually we won’t even get to be born unless they have a function for us in the big world corporation. They can make it sound so wonderful and there’s a lot of advocates from the general public too who swallowed the propaganda their whole lives and actually volunteered to work for them towards this wonderful global world where we’re supposed to sit under palm trees and discuss philosophy and read poetry. That’s what they think, but that’s not really what it’s all about. It’s about a controlled world where everything and everyone must have a function. Everyone must have a function.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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