How Maltese pensioners are being enslaved to work till death, thanks to the Maltese political puppet show

Last month, Newsbook reported that, citing statistics held by JobsPlus, Minister Byron Camilleri “confirmed that 27.715 people aged 60 and up were employed on a full-time or part-time basis as of September 2023, and that of 7,014 of them were aged 70 and up”.

In a nutshell, Minister Byron Camilleri is telling you that you are a slave to the system for life until death tears you apart.

In a nutshell, you are being told that poverty is on the rise.

“The number of people aged 70 and up that are still working has increased considerably in recent years: it stood at just 4,304 in 2017.” Is this something that the government should be proud of? It is telling you that poverty is on the rise.

In a nutshell, Minister Byron Camilleri is telling you that you are a slave to the system for life until death tears you apart. So much so, that in order to enslave you more, the government introduced “various measures over the years” “to encourage pensioners to continue working.” In a nutshell, they come up with the usual carrots, which they call incentives, to send you to the slaughterhouse while you wait on death row while you get your eternal pay roll that slips under your grave!

These “latest figures were tabled just as social policy minister Michael Falzon urged people to invest in private pension plans and emphasised that one could not guarantee what could happen in the future.”

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you realise that your country is run by liars and usurpers who have fooled you through the means that justify the growth of the economy.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you realise that all the pension that you have paid for during your forty years of hard work as a slave does not even suffice to make you rest after forty years of slavery.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you realise that you are not only being robbed when you are not given more than two thirds of your salary as a pension, which is not becoming comfortable enough to live post-retirement, but that the pension is capped, which means, that you are double robbed by the same liars and usurpers in the same puppet show!

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you hear the minister telling you “that pensions are sustainable in a strong economy” if, and only if, “you have a certain number of people working” while adding that “there were no guarantees on what could happen in the future.” Do you remember that bank advertisement that used to repeat, “Il-passat mhux garanzija tal-futur” [The past is not a guarantee of the future]? On point, no?

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you realise that you are paying your N.I. for nothing.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you realise that the €15 euro weekly that budget 2024 has ‘gifted’ you with was given to you to make you forget that you have been robbed with taxes and N.I. contributions for a lifetime!

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show when they tell you another lie: that the overwhelming number of third-country nationals working in Malta are paying for your pension, while you hear the minister suggesting “that demographic changes – including longer lifespans and a declining birth rate – could have an impact” on the pension model. Then why is the government pushing for abortion instead of encouraging Maltese couples to have children? Why is everything blamed on the people?

Here we have the usual problem-reaction-solution. The problem is that pension cuts could be a future reality because they have day-robbed you and destroyed the economy in a system which is all about economy, power, and money. The reaction is to increase the pension age and commit cold genocide on the people. The solution is that you must continue working after retirement.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you realise that pensioners are being forced to continue milking the corrupt system.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you remind the minister about the famous pension anomaly!

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you remind the minister that post-retirement work might sound easier for those who are able to do cushy jobs. What about those whose skilled jobs consisted of embracing weather elements and hardships?

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you remind the minister that the older you are, the less likely you are to be employed.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you remind the minister that if a pensioner postpones retirement by four years and thus gets an increase in pension because he worked more, he will be taxed more when on pension because he has gone over the taxable ceiling. This means that you are being asked to work more to get paid more, but then you are robbed from the other side of it. Because if you earn it, they tax it. Then you die and they death tax you.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you remind the minister that if a pensioner is going through health issues, s/he cannot work.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you turn your heads to face the PN, thanking it and Laurence Gonzi for raising the pension age!

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you turn your heads to face the PN to remind it of the famous statement, ‘Prices are going to rise!’ [Ħa jogħlew il-prezzijiet!} while they get the kick by injecting inflation in your veins so to satiate their addiction to economics.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show while you turn your heads to face the PN, to remind it that during its 25 years of administration, it embarked on a binge and they could not care less about the outcome as long as the cauldron blows up.

Please stand up to applaud the political puppet show and ask all the puppets why there isn’t enough money when they can just print the money.

“In this spirit, he said, it is positive that people plan ahead for their future: ‘and with demographic realities being what they are, it must happen even more.'”

In a nutshell, the minister is telling you that you are a slave to the system for life until death tears you apart.

Now please sit down and understand that you are being mocked and enslaved while being forced to continue milking the corrupt system, a system which is all about the economy, money, and power, embraced by the liars and usurpers of the political puppet show.

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