How do you get by when you are waking up in a world full of conditioned masses?

“Alan: Now we’ve got Mike in Tennessee on the line. Are you there, Mike?

Mike: Yes Alan.

Alan: How are you?

Mike: I’m doing okay. It’s the best you can do once you’ve woken up, which I wanted to talk to you. How do you get by without being able to converse with people anymore?

Alan: I tell people initially you’ve got to learn something which is hard, and that’s to live inside of your head because you still have to mix with society realizing that they’re so conditioned. Just to survive you have to mix through them or interact with them and you can’t simply — even though it means go back into robo-talk. I call it robo-talk and robo-speak and you say the things they expect to hear and this usual banter that they’re used to. Have a nice day. How are we today et cetera, and so you’ve got to down into robo-speak and simply bite the bullet, as they say, and live in your head most of the time, especially around people that you have to live with or interact like families and so on. There’s no point in creating disharmony at home. Even though you’ve woken up, these people are still living in a slumber land where they’ve suspended their ability to be incredulous. They’re in suspended animation in a sense and you’re coming from a different world. They truly believe the television. They believe the news and you’re telling them stuff that they’ve never heard of before, and it can’t be true or the boys on the television would tell us. That’s how they really believe — they think that way.

Mike: I understand but I’ve had some friends that have halfway woken up. They get to a certain point and it will be like a topic on religion. They can’t go any further. I mean there’s stuff right there or even the money deal. They can’t understand how these guys can do without money. When you explain they invented money, what do they need it for? It’s only for power. All they want is power. They don’t care about the money.

Alan: Here’s the odd thing, too. Even though people have been hammered like never before — like no previous generation before with indoctrination and blatant poisoning basically, not all of them are fast asleep. Part of them in this day and age is also to do with deciding. They’re deciding all the time a future whether they like it or not. Even if they want to live in denial, they’ve all heard the mainstream news that we’ve all heard and no one could possibly ever say today they didn’t know. There’s not one of them. They might not know all of it but they can’t say they didn’t know what was really going and what the U.S. and other countries are doing to the Middle East and other countries and they’re own people for that matter. Therefore this selfishness or this behavior they have is also a decision. It’s a personal decision and you have to respect that as well, but they are making a choice which is going to affect their own personal future here and if they’re religious at all, elsewhere as well.

Mike: Oh I understand that. It’s just so hard because I grew up in this culture and then once I woke up I can look back and see where I’ve been manipulated by television and see why I’ve made decisions from the things that they’ve implanted in me and it’s in my subconscious; and once it’s loose, it’s like your subconscious starts to grow. If that makes sense.

Alan: It does. It actually soars at times. It takes off. Your mind will take off and all the accumulated knowledge that’s all compartmentalized starts to come together so quickly and starts to make sense for the first time because your mind is starting to work properly.

Mike: I noticed that when I quit watching television that my IQ jumped 20 points.

Alan: Yes, that is a fact. It does.

Mike: People don’t understand that.

Alan: The TV is hypnotic. They knew that when they gave it to the public. It was designed to be hypnotic.

Mike: I hear the break coming, Alan. Thank you for your time.

Alan: Thanks for calling. Back after these messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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