How British pensioners are being forced to work till death

The British portal iNews reported how a Hull couple, Colin and Paula Burnett, aged 66 and 59, “have given up hope of stopping work any time soon – despite the health problems which have hit them both in recent years.”

They “have fallen foul of a benefits rule change which denies some pensioners the extra financial support offered by pension credit.”

“So-called ‘mixed-aged’ couples like the Burnetts – where one is of state pension age and the other is not – have been blocked from claiming pension credit since 2019.”

Following his last birthday, Mr. Burnett started receiving his state pension, which is slightly over £700 each month. However, it is not enough for him and his spouse to retire.

“So the 66-year-old still gets up at 3am to do cleaning shifts at a local pub, despite his asthma and issues with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).”

And despite having high blood pressure and osteoarthritis in her fingers and toes, Ms. Burnett is still a self-employed home care provider, cleaner, and helper. She told iNews that they both have to keep working to exist since Colin’s pension is not enough for either of them to stop. She added, “It’s an impossible situation. We don’t want to work ourselves into an early grave. My husband still gets up at 3am to work. It takes its toll. Him alone being able to stop and look after his health—that would mean the world to us.”

The 59-year-old is upset because regulations from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) prevent them from obtaining pension credit, which is meant to assist elderly individuals who are having financial difficulties.

Seniors who are single may receive up to £218. Couples who are both pension-eligible may receive up to £332. Yet, mixed-age couples have absolutely nothing at their disposal.

“It’s mean and cruel, because so many couples do have this age gap,” said Ms Burnett. “Pension credit would be our salvation.”

She added: “The Government is telling us, ‘Claim your pension credit’. But they know that there is this caveat about ages. If they would change this rule, it could benefit the lives of thousands of people.”

“Ms Burnett said they had struggled with increased food and energy bills in recent years. ‘We’ve cut down on using the gas and electricity, put extra layers on. We’re buying cheaper things at the supermarket, not buying any treats. It’s soup and toast some nights for tea.'”

The 59-year-old stated the couple’s health issues are “not bad enough” to qualify for any illness benefits, despite consulting with their doctor and the nonprofit Turn2us.

Furthermore, if she quit her job, she would not be able to get universal credit.

She said that she is not entitled to universal credit as she was told that her husband’s pension is over the monthly income cap that a couple needs to live on.

“I dread to think what the Government thinks you need to live on. The cost of living over the past couple of years has been tough – but we’re no different from a lot of people.”

Pension credit regulations are putting some elderly couples through “real hardship,” according to Age UK. The DWP changed its rules in 2019 and it is projected that 60,000 mixed-age couples are no longer eligible for the benefit.

According to an analysis done by iNews, “mixed-age couples like the Burnetts are now missing out on up to £9,900 a year, in comparison to the lower amounts available to some couples able to claim universal credit.”

“The government has argued that restricting pension credit this way provides better ‘work incentives’ for the young partners of pensioners.

A spokesperson for the DWP said: “This policy ensures that if someone is of working age in a couple, the law applies to them in the same way it does for other working age people, regardless of their partner being older, giving them the same incentives to work and save for retirement.”

Ms. Burnett said, “I remember when uncles retired, stopped working, and played golf. That doesn’t exist anymore. People can’t afford it.”

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