Fortress America and Fortress Britain – the agendas (2)

“However, they foresaw all of this and in fact they’ve been stacking the chessboard in advance of the situation because they brought in people from those very countries in large groups to get it all ready. You can’t have an enemy within unless you bring people in who then become the enemy. That’s how it works in these strategies and this ongoing plan as I say is to eventually standardize the entire Middle East and now they’re even looking towards China after that. Now we know through the GATT treaty (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) that they built up China. We know that China holds the debt of the West, so here’s the U.S. supposedly getting read in case there’s any trouble from China in the future by putting trillions of dollars into these new advances almost space craft that can go over their target and deliver all these incredible bombs within minutes, so they claim. This is the guff and I mean guff. That’s G-U-F-F, the guff we were fed all during thee Cold War because all this stuff technically is obsolete; they had and they still do have missiles that can reach their target within minutes. Why build more aircraft?

Why also even use them when you have satellites? You have the Star Wars program in space already. The satellites are repaired by the space shuttles. That’s what they were designed for, not to see if we can breed spiders in space or how worms behave when they’re floating through in freefall. It’s all to do with repairing and putting in space weaponry and all of the equipment that’s going to monitor us in the very near future when we all get our ships. We are supposed to be kept in the dark like sheep. Now sheep are pretty stupid animals. They follow each other. They scatter like crazy. They run into barbed wire fences or into ditches or swamps even and panic, and so these good shepherds look after the sheep, the people, and who fleece the sheep. They always fleece the sheep, so you pay all these taxes to build your chains. These sheep are all being terrorized into this global system where we’re going to be conditioned over a period of maybe 30 years that we can’t trust ourselves. None of us, not one single individual can trust yourself. You must be predictable and that’s the world they’re going to teach us to accept so that we give up our independence, our personal independence, piece by piece, all for peace and safety. That’s the con game.

If you read the books I’ve mentioned before like ‘The Next Million Years’ by Charles Galton Darwin, he tells you (this great grandson of Charles Darwin) right in there that the elite themselves will not alter themselves genetically or any other way or destroy that part of the brain that gives them their survival instincts because they have to steer and guide planet earth. However, the rest of us won’t need it. We won’t need that, and Arthur Koestler parroted him. He said ‘because the general public will have all their decisions made for them personally by the state.’ This the Brave New World we’re going into. That’s why these characters at the top, these psychopathic nut cases, have disclosed through their top think tank for the Department of Defence that they see nothing but riots and breakouts and flash-mobs from the general public escalating and starting very shortly and escalating for the next 30 years.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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