Fortress America and Fortress Britain – the agendas (1)

“Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. I’m talking about all the enemies we all have to have to be controlled as we go through this totally controlled global system. You know the new horror show as opposed to the old horror shows that they had all over the world,
because once you have a global society you have to find a new enemy or you’ve had it, it’s game over, you see. That’s what we found with the Soviet system because once Stalin cemented the walls in their minds around the Soviet system they had to find terrorism within. Old, old plan,
until everyone is terrified of everyone else and they become puppets and they all talk puppet language and they’re very politically correct because you don’t know what the neighbors are going to say about you and that’s what’s happening across the world right now.

This is from the in today’s Telegraph paper, England, the headline is: ‘Gordon Brown Reveals ‘Fortress Britain’ Plan.’ Fortress Britain. Now they borrowed that from the term that was in the papers in North America in 2005. It came out when they were having the meeting in Waco with the three presidents and they had golfing and all the rest of it. Now the U.S. were told they were having a big barbecue and playing golf in Canada. We had more told about this signature agreement they all agreed to of Fortress America, where they would amalgamate all security forces. In fact, it had been done and that’s the same thing that was happening in Britain so their headlines two years later in Britain is ‘Fortress Britain Plan’ and Gordon Brown, GB for Great Britain, has announced it to the public. It says:

‘Train passengers face routine airline-style bag checks and body searches as part of a new counter-terror crackdown announced by Gordon Brown. He conjured up visions of ‘Fortress Britain’ as he unveiled a succession of security measures at airports, railway stations, sports venues and other public places. There is also to be a huge ‘hearts and minds drive aimed at diverting young Muslims away from the influence of fanatics. The Prime Minister said a review of vulnerable buildings and crowded spaces like shopping centers had led to a rethink of the way they are protected. More than 250 busy railway stations, airports and seaports as well as 100 ‘sensitive’ installations like power stations and electricity substations will be given extra security. This could include screening luggage at major stations like London King’s Cross or Manchester Piccadilly using mobile checking devices, et cetera, et cetera. More buildings will be defended by barriers to stop car bomb attacks, extra blast-proofing, vehicle exclusion zones and metal detectors.’

This goes on and on about all the changes they’re going to make there. They want to give out a propaganda, this ‘hearts and minds’ thing to win the hearts of young Muslims because they’re now getting rather upset about what’s happening to kinfolk in other countries right now. It’s quite interesting to notice that the BBC itself right after 9/11 when they started the al-Qaeda project to build up the al-Qaeda it said that the security services in Britain have put out spooks (spies) there to lure young people into the internet into al-Qaeda and then in essence they were creating what hadn’t been there before in the first place. It’s very easy to trap young men ‘s minds and give them their leaders, even though they’re invisible, they’re on the internet, and that’s what they’ve been doing. Now they’re creating this kind of movement to keep something going and of course they never saw this coming years ago when it was open borders for Britain during Margaret Thatcher’s era when she opened the borders saying, ‘we have to bring all these immigrants in because there’s not enough people getting born in Britain to pay off the national debt.’ That was the excuse in the papers at the time.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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