Every 100 years, the world is given a reset pandemic: Covid-19 mimicked the Spanish flu (quarantines and closures)

As even Alan Watt explained from his deep research, it seems like every 50 to 100 years the world has to go through a reboot according to the terms and conditions of the controllers.

If we had to go back to 1918 and go through some articles about the Spanish Flu pandemic, we see that this pandemic was another means of depopulation, and it was very similar to Covid-19. According to CBS News, “an estimated one-third of the world’s population contracted the H1N1 “Spanish flu” influenza virus and deaths are estimated to have topped 50 million worldwide”.

The difference is that the Spanish Flu was a micro-reset, while Covid-19 is a macro-reset.

Let’s take a look at this historical part so that you see what I mean.

It was on 20th September, 1918 when Seattle’s second Commissioner of Health, Dr. J.S. McBride said, ‘In the event the disease appears here, and it is not unlikely that it will, we will endeavor to isolate the first cases and thus try to prevent it becoming epidemic.’ Since nor Seattle nor Washington state officials deluded themselves that the Spanish Flu would skip the Northwest, they hoped to isolate the early cases to prevent the spread of the flu and “if it worked, isolation had the added benefit of precluding closures of theatres, movie houses, poolrooms, and other places of amusement.”

A Bell telephone was also marketed so that people in quarantine were allowed to receive calls so that they do not feel alone and isolated. It is only fair for companies to find opportunities to build their monopoly, ain’t it?

But later, “in St. Louis, Missouri, shortly after the first cases of flu were detected, local health officials ordered schools, churches, courtrooms and libraries closed. Gatherings of more than 20 people were banned.”

And even dances, Sunday church services, funerals and libraries were banned:

Sounds familiar?

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