Europe is froth-corrupted with cheap labour and invaded with the blessing of the European Parliament- and Metsola is happy about it

We have read how “protests erupted in the European Parliament as the MEPs started to vote on the controversial Asylum and Migration Pact on Wednesday afternoon,” while Europe continues to be invaded through a planned invasion sponsored by crooks and embraced by the communist traitors. The readers should understand that illegal immigration is also human trafficking, done by human traffickers in suit, but which is disguised as a humanitarian feed, which is another lie which respective NGOs try to make you swallow.

Apparently, this “pact aims to shorten the time for asylum procedures and reduce immigration from the Middle East and Africa” to secure a new system which would require “the wider bloc to take in migrants who arrive mainly in ‘frontline’ countries like Greece and Italy or provide extra resources instead.” Lol. This would mean that Malta would be part of this wider bloc. Malta thanks Roberta Metsola.

And Europe continues to be suffocated with this burden.

Europe is froth-corrupted with cheap labour while the Europeans are trying to breathe under water.

And no one cares while you are being replaced.

The politicians don’t care while you are being replaced.

The European Parliament doesn’t care while you are being replaced.

Here are comments about what people had to say to Roberta Metsola and the European Parliament.

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