Donald Rumsfeld: ‘We have aerosolized Valium and Prozac ready to spray over huge areas’

Alan: “Talking about the spraying now and I was talking about the tranquilizing effect it has on people, too, and how they starting having memory loss and so on, people should check into ‘Defense Technology International,’ November 2007. It says: ‘New drug that stops the enemies’ will to fight on page 25.’ People should look into that. ‘Defense Technology International,’ November 2007, page 25.

This stuff can be sprayed or whatever and you think they’re not doing it, because Rumsfeld said that on television right after 9/11 when he was asked by a reporter: ‘What will we do if other cities get hit in the future and there’s massive panic?’ He says, ‘We have aerosolized Valium and Prozac ready to spray over huge areas,’ and that’s when it hit me they’re actually doing it as well, amongst all this barium and aluminum oxide mix they’re putting tranquilizers in too, and you would do the same thing if you were the military coordinators at the top. You would use everything in your arsenal to bring the public through an old system that’s engrained in them, even though it wasn’t really their system but it’s what they were used to, into a new system, a new feudal system of serfdom where you are born only if there was a job for you and they need you to have a duty and to serve the state. That’s what Huxley said and others said the same thing and that’s also the tenant of The Council on Foreign Relations and The Royal Institute for International Affairs. You will have a duty to serve and they’re talking about the world state.

Jeff: Yes and if people read ‘The First Global Revolution,’ there’s a lot more in that book than I thought there was. I won’t get into it. Yes. You read the main quote about ecology and then you get into other things and they basically tell you what your world is going to be like. I won’t go over that at this time, but there’s a couple of things that I may do later, but the last thing basically is a couple of years ago I volunteered to try to be hypnotized at a Christmas party which was quite an astonishing experience and I learned a lot about that, because afterwards I read Huxley’s speech and I had to read the rest of it. I never got past the hypnotism and the placebo, but I’d never been to a show so I envisioned you know how he’s going to try and relax you and talk to you and so forth. 12 or 15 people got up there and sat down and he said okay close your eyes and then he didn’t say relax and I immediately I started thinking well this is kind of funny. What’s going on? Then he started talking to the audience and the wheels are just flying around at 100 miles an hour and I’m going what is this guy doing? How does anyone get hypnotized? I closed my eyes and he talked to the audience. Big deal and so about 15 seconds into that I looked around and there was a lady to my left that was just sitting up with her eyes open, then I looked to my right and there were several people that looked like they’d just passed out. Their heads were slumped. They were just mush and the interesting thing about that with Huxley’s speech is that those are the people that wear their red and support the troops shirts every Friday. They have the buzz cut. They take whatever comes down from above them and execute it. They don’t ever question it. They don’t ever alter it you know and you can watch those people to see what’s being pushed.

Alan: That’s right. You see they’re showing they’re wearing their indoctrination. They’re wearing the suggestibility that functions within them and that’s what Huxley said. He said, “60 percent of the public are instantly suggestible or hypnotizable. 20 percent more with a little bit more work will come under. It’s the other 20 percent that can be the problem,” and so they knew that test again from Tavistock Institute a long time ago and they’ve repeated it on vast amounts of the population. You’ve got to remember, too, that big psychological test they did at the United States when they did “War of the Worlds” over radio with Welles. That was Orson Welles the actor narrating it and they had people panicking in different American cities and some people even shot at big water towers thinking that was the aliens coming down in their spaceships and there was panics and people died smashing cars on each other as they tried to get out. It was announced only a few years ago that was a psychological test, a PSYOPS operation with the Pentagon funding it and the psychological staff at Princeton University who had worked it out and written the script.

Jeff: It was amazing following those people that went under right away and basically what I think is I don’t think you hypnotize anyone for the most part. They were already gone when they walked up on stage. That’s my opinion.

Alan: That’s what they say, too. For many people there’s almost a wanting to go under or cooperate and you see most of the people are followers. They want to cooperate. They want to be goodie two shoes and they’re the ones that bring teacher an apple. They want to be approved and accepted and they often are not too sure about themselves. They haven’t a tremendous ego so they want to cooperate and that’s the bulk of the public, and they know this. The CIA and FBI in high quarters can hypnotize people just by standing at a bar and talking to you and you don’t realize you’re going under, and they teach some of this in high advertising schools too. That’s where a lot of this stuff really came out from is advertising schools. That’s why Bertrand Russell says we must get the big advertisers onboard with this system because they understand the process of the mind and what people want and how to make them want things and how to do things and change their behavior. You’ll find in advertising a good salesman will come up and he’ll stand the same way as you are standing and he’ll watch your gestures and he’ll give you a mirror image of yourself and his hand will be where your hand is. He’ll say the little things that you say like ‘yeah.’ He’ll copy these things or ‘ya know,’ and he’ll copy that and you’ll feel that you’ve known this guy forever. He’ll seem so familiar but he’s copying you. That’s what they do and it works.

Jeff: That’s amazing. The way he could tell if you were hypnotized is he basically went and looked through your eyes, because when he looked into me and you can tell by looking at peoples eyes a little bit if they’re in that kind of a mode. I have this one question and I’ll let somebody else in there. You had a caller from California once that said he had overflights so he moved to the country and then he noticed high altitude anomalies and I’ve actually seen two of those because I’ll read outside and then sometimes I’ll just look up and kind of gaze and twice I noticed, one that I thought was a star moving. It was definitely an orbital altitude with a small white dot. It changed direction two or three times and it wasn’t a curve when it changed directions. It was a sharp angle and I don’t know what that was and the next time it looked like it was a plane. It was higher than the spray altitudes. Kind of hard to tell at night but I was following it and I’m looking at it and it was gone.

Alan: It disappeared. These have been around at least since the 1950’s and it’s very highflying stuff. Bill Cooper did a video on Area 51, the military complex where they test all this aircraft and he got footage of them coming out of the ground, underground hangers and doing just that. These things can move and stop on a dime at incredibly fast speeds. When you take the altitude they’re at, that means they’re very fast and rather huge as well and they can stop on a dime and do right angles and all the rest of it. It’s quite amazing. I’ve seen them all my life those things and watched them because I study astronomy and they’re made here on earth because the use advanced sciences and keep it quiet from the public. They roll the stealth bomber out every year a new version and tells us that’s the best they’ve got which is how easy it is to fool us.

Jeff: Oh I know. If you just go back and look at the articles that they talk about and even in ‘The Shape of Things to Come,’ he mentioned that just in business and manufacturing he said they have the technology 25 to 50 years ahead just in that area, and that was an admission in that book and I think that was basically a statement of fact. He was just talking about business. He wasn’t talking about the military. He was talking about the high technology.

Alan: Whatever the public is given or shown is completely obsolete at the top. That’s how it is.

Jeff: The oddest thing the second one did is I picked it up again and this bright light flash came out of the side of it. It looked like it was out of the side and I have no idea what that was.

Alan: These things again are just above the ionosphere and they catch the sunlight hitting them even though its dark, they’re up there and they’ll reflect sunlight down. They catch the rays and as they turn, they’ll often give that flash from it.

Jeff: I just wondered what they’re doing up there.

Alan: They’re advanced sciences. They’re very quiet. These things are pretty silent and they’ve had them at least since the ’50’s that I know of and probably before, because real science for total control is always kept from the public and from their knowledge. As I say, they roll out the stealth bomber and tell you that’s the best. They give you a new machinegun for the troops and say that’s the best we have, ball and powder for a thousand years, like ha-ha and so no. They actually have technologies they haven’t shown the public yet. I hope they never have to use them. If they do it will be on the public and even Tesla, the great Tesla that’s been made into a hero, his main job was to find ways of knocking out entire cities by using scalar technology for warfare purposes.

Jeff: That kind of tells you that something was written down before, because they didn’t discover scalar technology in the 1910’s I don’t think.

Alan: No they didn’t and Tesla himself could not have jumped so many steps that hadn’t been done yet on the lower level of science of creating capacitors and basically transistors to make this thing work.

Jeff: You have to wonder about older civilizations because in the book by Bacon, ‘The New Atlantis,’ as you say he goes through genetics and so forth but there’s one thing in there.

Alan: You could not dream that up in the age of sailing ships, and canvas sails, and the horse and cart.

Jeff: No, not in the 1500’s.

Alan: You could not have dreamt up that stuff.

Jeff: I’ve talked and I say the nuclear energy maybe it’s extrapolation with the sun, but there’s one thing in there that there’s no answer for. He describes the laser perfectly.

Alan: Yes. He also describes something that gives off the light of the sun and powers the whole underground complex; that’s nuclear.

Jeff: Yes. That had been around before. Well thanks a lot Alan. I do appreciate it and just a note to everybody — buy the books.

Alan: Thanks for calling. Back after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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