Dog owners should stop humanizing dogs which is making them doomed for failure & hence, their surrendering

In another piece this site has tackled ways to save your beloved pets from extra veterinary expenses. In this blog, this site will tackle another issue that causes many owners to give up on their dogs and surrender them—and this is the dog’s behaviour.

Dogs are just dogs. They are not kids. They are not fur babies. They’re canines.

That does not lessen my love for my dogs. It does not exclude you from referring to them as your “fur children” or “kids.” It’s one thing to call them. It is another matter to treat them as such. But acknowledge that they are dogs for their own sake. Be kind to them, but also treat them fairly.

It is not a good way to set up a new dog for success to bring it home and give it everything it wants, whenever it wants. It could be satisfying to “spoil” them. I understand, but in reality, you’re raising a brat.

How often do we hear that a dog bit a friend on the sofa because the dog thinks that the sofa is his? How often do we hear that a child became afraid of a dog because a dog has stood against that child or ran across that child? How often do we hear that a dog is destroying the whole house because he pees everywhere or chews everything? How often do we see dogs pulling strongly on their leash, almost making their owner fall? Fine! Who allowed them to believe that? Your sofa wasn’t just walked in by the dog. To begin with, the dog had no restrictions. I have two dogs who are allowed to sit on the sofa, but they immediately go to their beds when I tell them to. They have earned that privilege via instruction, understanding, and a foundation of respect.

Providing for your dog’s success is a great way to spoil them. Give them a job, exercise, boundaries, and what they genuinely need rather than the newest squeaky toy. The value of your playtime with your dog extends beyond the toy itself. Train them. Seek help. Seek advice.

I have two large dogs who do not chew anything, do not pee anywhere, do not stand against people, and who sit quietly when we are outdoors. They do not pull, and when I give a command, they obey.

Adore your canine. Love your canine companion. Treat your dog like a dog, but with respect, for their sake.

Before anyone wants to say something stupid, please note that my dogs are my family, but I also taught them healthy boundaries, just like healthy individuals and families should have!

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