Chicago Mayor prioritizes illegal immigrants over suffering American citizens and unemployed workers

Last week, the mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, demanded work permits for the 500,000 undocumented immigrants in Illinois.

In politics, you can prioritize illegal immigrants over suffering American citizens and unemployed workers.

Johnson also claimed that his city, which was in perpetual disorder due to widespread criminality and urban deterioration, could “conservatively” accept an additional 400,000 to 700,000 illegal immigrants.

“We need the president to extend the same economic opportunities long term for our undocumented brothers and sisters, so they can build a better life here in the city of Chicago or wherever else they decide to live,” Johnson stated at a roundtable with leaders of the urban business community.

“I want to make this emphatically clear: Chicago will never turn its back on people who wish to call the city of Chicago their home,” he added.

And where is the empathic message towards American citizens?

Thursday marked Johnson’s one-year anniversary as mayor. He claimed that he wrote a letter to the Biden administration, urging them to provide more work permits, with the backing of numerous other mayors, including those of Denver, New York, Seattle, and San Francisco.

“I remain standing in my belief that a more inclusive and equitable future for all residents is truly possible, whether they arrived here yesterday or have been here for an extended period of time,” he said. Yes, but surely not at the behest of the American citizens who are not being counted in this inclusive and equitable future, which is being planned for them.

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