Chemtrails, blood pressure, cramps and respiratory problems

Alan Watt: “Now we’ve got Mike from Tennessee on the line. Are you there, Mike?

Mike: Hello Alan. I just wanted to touch on the chemtrails. I’m a paraplegic and here lately I’ve had some problems and had to have home healthcare come in so they do my vital signs including blood pressure. Well my blood pressure went up. The nurse asked me why and I said probably because they sprayed the sky. The next day it went down when they didn’t spray. So they sprayed again, my blood pressure goes up. I thought it was kind of ironic or coincidental they spoke about that in the little article that you were just reading. I touched on it today.

Alan: It definitely is affecting lots and lots of people, apart from the bronchial problems they all have. It’s also causing cramping of muscles in some people, too, and in pets.

Mike: Oh yes. My pets also get sinus problems. The older dogs I have too. After I told the nurse you know she was skeptical. It just so happened when she showed up they were laying a chemtrail across the sky and right next to it was an ordinary aircraft with the condensation trail dissipating behind it. After I pointed it out to her, she started to notice that she had a lot of respiratory problems for home healthcare every time it happened. So maybe people are starting to take notice.

Alan: It often takes — again, it’s like everything else. It’s when it hits them themselves they have to face something is going on and they see it for the first time. They truly are so dependent on the 6 o’clock news, especially the mainstream federal type news, the big stations, and if it’s not on there then it can’t be worth thinking about really. That’s how they decide what’s important and what’s not, but at least it’s starting to come out now on mainstream television here and there and hopefully it will pick up if they don’t get silenced.

Mike: I thought my next job I’ll save the video from YouTube of that newscast and I plan on showing it to the nurse tomorrow. Just give her a little reinforcement.

Alan: That would certainly help.

Mike: All right. Well thank you, Alan, for letting me tell my little story.

Alan: It’s a pleasure. You take care. Bye now. That’s what we’re facing. We’re facing incredible deception and people should look into all these bills that were passed over the years that gave governments and the Air Force the right to test out all of this secretive stuff and who knows what else on the general public. This has been going on steadily from World War II actually this kind of testing. We know that in 1948 the City of Winnipeg was chosen by the Canadian government in league with the U.S. government and they used flying fortresses to fly at low level for over I think it was a week to a month over the city spraying a substance at low level. Then they followed the inhabitants over the course of their lives and it’s much easier once you brought in a sort of national medical database to see what’s happening to the test victims. We know too that they’ve been testing on many other towns and cities over the years.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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