British Journalist and Broadcaster Sonia Poulton exposes the British government’s experiments with the weather

Journalist and Broadcaster Sonia Poulton presents a daily one hour show bringing you the latest in national and international news, hot-off-the-press scoops, lively, thought-provoking conversation and opinions and lots of brilliant contributing voices. 

Here she is talking about the British government, geoengineering, chemtrails and cloud seeding:

‘It was alleged that a rainmaking experiment, aka geoengineering, had taken place and was ultimately to blame for a landslide that killed thirty people on the 15th of August 1952. What we do know for fact is classified government files eventually released to the public confirming that these experiments did indeed take place. But it’s not as if the British government is trying to hide it? Geoengineering is all over the government website. In 2010 the British government admitted to geoengineering data when it set out to both define and to regulate geoengineering in a court with framework laid down by the UN and in line with 2030 sustainable development goals. The 2010 report recommended, in quote ‘that the government reviewed its policy on geoengineering to give it greater priority.’ Then we should not forget the document from the Department for Business and Industrial Strategy about greenhouse gas removal, aka geoengineering. This clearly sets out the British government position on what can be done to counteract man-made climate change in line with the Paris Agreement. Now this is a subject I’ve long been interested in and there is great deal of evidence to suggest that our skies have indeed changed and information all across the UK at the same time. If these were simply contrails, expected omissions from plane it would happen daily but it does not. We have every right to ask questions about what is happening in our skies and we have every right to receive straightforward answers. A more recent stream of information request asked about cloud seeding. This is a troubling term for the UK government and they do everything they can to avoid discussion about it. This leads them into areas such as aerosol spray and wider agendas but the fact is no matter what sceptics say, something has changed. People need to be looking up and asking what it is. We need to be able to ask questions and debate it without fear of being called a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for a subject that has long passed its cell life date to be discussed.’

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