Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel responds to Andrew Tate, who called Christians cowards.

Andrew Tate is an American-British influencer, businessman, and former professional kickboxer, who likes to show up in his videos with a bare chest and a lit cigar in his hand, while swearing with each sentence uttered. He encourages misogynistic views amongst men, but unfortunately he is followed by many and is influencing many, especially young male adolescents, to become part of the manosphere. If you want to know the harm he is doing, ask local educators to tell you how he is affecting local boys who follow him.

In one of his controversial commentaries, Andrew Tate called Christians cowards, said Christianity is too weak, and that it is a joke. Didn’t we see how Satanism is a religion of the elite and that the Satanic philosophy says that helping people who can’t help themselves, like the homeless, is not right because they are weaklings who drain resources? Is Tate endorsing the satanic philosophy because he is an agent of the Elite? Has Tate jumped on the bandwagon of the persecution of Christians, since these have to be completely silenced in the new global system of atheistic, secular societies?

Here is what Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel replied to him:

“And let me say this to Andrew Tate. If you think that Christians are cowards, you are mistaken. Christ is the only revolutionist ever to exist. No human being was able to change the whole world with a word. Superpowers came with weapons and great force. They could not change nothing. Jesus, no weapon, no knife, no sword, nothing, absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing – He changed the whole world with the word. There is no one greater than Jesus Christ of Nazareth, ever to exist on the face of this planet. I belong to that Jesus. I fear no one and I fear nothing, understand? I can’t stand it when they talk about my Jesus like that. If the Christians are cowards, Christ is the glory. And He’s the warrior. So, you better take that back, Mr. Andrew Tate!

But there’s one thing you have misunderstood, let me tell you, and all those who share the same mindset like you. Jesus Christ is love, He came on His first coming as mercy. See, you need to understand one thing about love. Love is the most powerful thing ever to exist and it is the most, the weakest thing also ever to exist at the same time. Love is the most powerful and the weakest at the same time. Why? Because when you love someone from the heart, you will do anything and everything for that someone. If that love is received as weakness, then it’s the ignorance of the other party, not the one who loves.

But let me tell you. When the time comes, love can be also very very powerful because love moves mountains. See, you cannot change the heart of a person using force. You cannot change the mind of a person using the sword, and threatening to be heading people. The only way you can change a heart of a man or a woman is when you show them and give them love not power. Don’t ever understand what Jesus is all about. Don’t ever. And this goes to all the Christians. To all the Christians.

Look, the Lord took me to heaven. Yeah, I want Andrew Tate to hear this. Yes, and everyone like Andrew Tate. Let me tell you this, all of you. The Lord, no one else, took me to heaven. Let me tell you. There is no Muhammad. There is no Buddha. There is no Krishna. There is no one. Only Jesus. Why? Because He is the only one. There is no one else but Him. He is God revealed in the flesh. God revealed in the flesh. No one else. No one else. This is not judgment. This is not attack. This is not discrimination. Believe you me. I love everyone. And if you don’t want to believe, it’s up to you. I don’t matter but I love you because my Jesus taught me to love everyone.

Let me tell you this. You will never ever find anyone in heaven except Jesus Christ. Buddhists, stop chasing Buddha. I can assure you, you can say Buddha was a nice man, you can put as many oranges and apples in front of him, they will get you nowhere. Let me tell you, you can follow your three million gods, Hindus, they will get you nowhere. You can follow Muhammad, it will get you nowhere.

The only one who truly is who He is is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And this got nothing to do with Christians or anyone else. It’s got to do with the Truth. This is the Truth. Jesus Christ is God, the creator of everyone and everything, visible and invisible. That’s all I saw in heaven. Him. I didn’t see anyone else. Why would I make up a story like this? You know what? This story could get me into trouble, if anything, really. People might not like what they hear. I’m not making it up, Mr Andrew Tate. I’ll pray for you my dear friend, to come back to the Lord Jesus because you made a big mistake by denying your Lord. The biggest mistake ever you’ve done in your life. And I pray the Lord touches your heart, and bring you back to the Truth, for there is no other Truth than Jesus Christ of Nazareth.”

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