Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 1 to 3 – You need to be ready, awake and alert for the more which is yet to come

‘And keep those things which are written in it for the time is near‘. For the time is near, and I’ll leave you with this.

Chapter one of Revelation is an introduction to this book, which is the knowledge of Christ to His children revealed. And it is a judgment upon the world and this judgment is going to come and there is no escape from it. But the Lord is revealing it to those who are His. The world – He will come to them by surprise. Since they rejected Him, He’ll come like a thief. That’s how they wanted it. That’s how they wanted it.

You know the priests of the temple, and there were some guards who were working in the temple, they went out to grab Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane at night, and you only go out in a such way and at a such time when you wanna catch a thief. So they went out to catch Jesus as a thief, but at night time. Jesus said, you showed to me that you are treating me like a thief. Then what you ask for, you shall receive. You treat me as a thief. I’ll come at you as a thief. In a time where you do not know, I will surprise you my dear friend. And you will have no time to repent. You treat me as a thief, I’ll come as a thief. You treat me as a dad, I’ll come to you as a dad. Which one you want me to do, it is yours, not mine. But I’ll do both. It doesn’t worry me.

‘For the time is near..’ We’re going to go more into details by the Book of Revelation and I believe it is very relevant to our time and age. My goodness! So relevant. I believe we are very close to something going drastically wrong very soon. Not the coronavirus. Coronavirus is nothing compared to what is coming. I’m not scaring you but it’s a revelation of the Lord Jesus to preempt you, to warn you, and to make you ready, so that next time, you look at the world, you don’t fall. You don’t fall into the traps of this empty world. You need to be ready and awake and alert. This life is not about going clubbing. This life is not about taking drugs. This life is not about having fun and driving and speeding and killing and doing. This life is not about I’m free I can do whatever I want. You’re not free my dear friend according to this word of this revelation. A judgment is coming and Jesus Christ is the judge. Don’t let the day come when you face Him as a judge. I’ll pray that day doesn’t come for no one because no one will escape the wrath of Jesus Christ as the judge but let Him come as your daddy. You don’t want him to come at you as a judge because you will have no chance of survival.

Jesus is very mighty and very awesome. Very awesome in what He does. Very awesome.”

You can watch the sermon here.

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