Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 1 to 3 – the time is near in two ways (part two)

“Number two: the time is near for the coming of the Messiah, because just look around you my dear friend. It does not take a genius to figure out what is happening in the world. It is absolutely disastrous. And it is absolutely a godless generation. Everything that is happening in the world is nothing but the core of evilness. Evil. In its core. People are calling darkness light. And people are calling death, life. And people are calling the sour, sweet, or the bitter sweet. And people are choosing Satan and rejecting Jesus Christ. They have Satan temples in America. They worship Him in the open, and they want to do it here in Australia, and they will do it. What is happening to our governmental bodies? Total non-existence of God in their hearts. Therefore Satan is infiltrating. That’s why he will implement everything that he wants. We’re living in the end of times. They don’t want to see the light. And you speak love, they see you as the enemy. You speak out of concern, for their own wellbeing, they put an X on you and they say you are a discriminative, a judgmental human being. How dare you do that? I’m going to sue you. I’m going to take you to court. Hang on a second. I worry for you. I care for you. This is not the way a human being should live. They don’t want to hear about Jesus Christ. Once upon a time Australia was Christian. No longer. Once upon a time, America was a Christian country. No longer. Once upon a time Canada was a Christian country. No longer. Once upon a time the entire European nations were of Christian backgrounds. No longer. Atheism is infiltrating the entire globe, especially the western world. You want to build a church. All hell breaks loose. You go and build anything else – no problem brother. These are minorities, you know, we need to look after them.

You speak about any religious figure. I dare you speak about Mohammad or Buddha in the midst of Buddhists or Muslims. They will chop you. But look what they are saying and doing about Jesus Christ. And no one is moving a finger. Christians have gone asleep. No more bibles in the schools. No more speaking of Jesus Christ, or God. I just wonder sometimes when they mention the word God, or the name God, we need to specify which one. In Hinduism there are over three million gods, so which one is it? In Islam, which god is that? Even the prophet doesn’t know. Judaism, which God? Yahweh? Which one? Where is Yahweh? Can you show me?

I know Jesus Christ. He revealed Himself to me. I know Him. They don’t want to hear about Jesus. They started passing laws that are against Jesus Christ. What has become of Australia? Even mice started eating the crops. There was fire, bushfire, 2020, followed by a great flood, and then followed by a coronavirus and until now we are suffering. The Chinese have made fun of Australia. They have put Australia so low with their talks saying that you are nothing but a puppet, we can do whatever we want to you. If Australia was under the jurisdiction of Jesus Christ, who is China and what is China? You know what Jesus can do to China, before Mr. Cheng Ching Bing Ming blinks his eyes, he would be gone with the wind. If Jesus wants to bring somebody down and breaks them, they would not know what hit them my dear friend. There is no power beyond and above Jesus Christ. But this is what happens, when we walk away from our own God, the enemy will devour us and will make fun of us. It is only fair. We’ve walked away from our Christian God.”

You can watch the sermon here.

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