Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 1 to 3 – the time is near in two ways (part three)

“And I’ve said this and I’ll say it again. If anybody wants to compare Jesus with someone else, I’ll say my dear friend don’t even waste your breath because there is no comparison whatsoever. But, if you insist on comparing Jesus with any religious figure, no matter who they are, or philosophical figure, then I’ll say ok, let’s enter this context, contest or whatever it is. Contest. Sorry, man, I’m upset. I’m upset. It’s very sad what is happening in our life, in our time and age.

You compare Jesus to anyone. I’ll ask anyone that believes in a religious figure, the ultimate that any religious figure was able to achieve, any philosophical figure, any political figure, the best they could have achieved was to change a bad person into a good person. Maybe they brought some good values, good morals, good ideas. Whatever it is they did, the ultimate – they changed a good person into a bad person. Jesus Christ stands alone, far and above everyone else so uniquely. The Lord Jesus did not come to change bad people into good. Jesus Christ, all glory to His holy name, He came to change dead people into living ones. In this, there is no comparison. No one ever did, and said if you believe in my word even if you die, you shall live. But if you eat my body and drink of my blood you will live in me forever. No one dared to claim this statement. Neither Muhammad, nor Buddha nor any religious figure or any philosophical figure. Why? Because they all realized they are nothing but a piece of dust. One day they were born, the next they are going to die. Someone who has no life in him cannot give it. Only Jesus said it because He is the source of life. That’s why He was able to claim it.

This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you, Jesus Christ, the owner of the Book of Revelation, the judge of the entire world. The time is near, my beloved. We need to walk away from what the world is offering. We need to walk away from so-called friends, and what they’re trying to give you, under the banner of ‘let’s have some fun.’ It’s a free country. These are all deceptive statements. They don’t exist. This world has a Creator. This world has the sovereign judge and the supreme authority and no one is free. Jesus will judge us at the end. The time is near. The prophecy of the book is coming into conclusion. It’s going to be fulfilled. A lot of it is being fulfilled now. Some of it is yet to be fulfilled. We’re going to cover all them. Bear with me, two years, right?

The time is near. Jesus could be coming any day, any minute. And the time is near because I don’t know when the spirit is going to leave this body. I’m going to die my dear friend. Maybe I go home tonight and I’ll sleep and I’ll never wake up. Am I ready to face my Creator? Have we thought that death could snatch me just like that before I blink my eyes? The time is near because death is chasing me every single moment.”

You can watch the sermon here.

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