Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 1 to 3 – the time is near in two ways (part one)

“The time is near. Blessed are you that reads this prophecy, revelation. Blessed are you, that hears this prophecy and blessed are you that you believe in it and keep it by implementing it in your life, by believing and saying what am I doing? Where am I heading? What am I going to achieve if I keep on going in this particular path? Until when am I going to be deceived by the enemy? Until when am I going to be deceived by the temptations of this world?

The time is near, the Book of Revelation is saying. It’s near. Near means it’s very close. The time of judgment is very close. The time of putting an end to everything is very close. So, where is your head? Where is your heart? Where is your sense of direction? What has become of God’s children? Have we turned into worldly beings? Yet Jesus has purchased us with His own precious blood and made us sons to the Almighty God and God being our heavenly daddy. He made us heirs to the throne and the inheritance of everything that belongs to God. I have swapped this treasure, divine treasure, with the pigs’ field, downtown. I’ve swapped it. I gambled with my spirit, with my life, with a five-minute temptation out there in the street, because I went asleep. I was not alert. I did not read what Jesus has been warning me all this time. I thought this life is it. I am free. I can do whatever I want. But you don’t know when judgment is going to come upon you because the time is near.

The time is near in three ways. One: since this is a prophetic book, every prophecy will come in tuition. Every prophecy will be fulfilled. The time is near for the prophecy to be fulfilled.”

You can watch the sermon here.

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