Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 1 to 3 – the time is near in two ways (part four)

“I’ll leave you with this. There was this man running away from the enemy. This other guy was chasing him to kill him. And when it comes to life, everybody want to live. Nobody wants to die. Life is precious, my beloved, because it’s a gift from God. And everything that is from God is precious, of course. He is the precious of all precious, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. So, he was running to save himself, running away from the enemy. Running, running and he came and there was a very deep and very wide valley. He could not jump on the other side. He could not go back. The enemy is running after him. What do I do? What do I do? Frantically searching for an escape goat. He sees a tree sticking out of that valley. He says, ‘You know what, I’ll do anything just to save my life.’ He jumps, hoping that he’s gonna grab onto one of the branches of that tree. And he manages to grab on one of the branches and he hides in the tree in the midst of those leaves.

And while he’s in that tree, the enemy is at the top, waiting for him. He looks down at the foot of the tree. He sees two mice, one white, one black, eating away from the roots of the tree. He looks on the other side. He sees a lion with an open mouth waiting for his fall to swallow him. And he looks on the left and he sees a big phyton climbing up the tree to grab him and eat him. In the midst of all of that, my beloveds, the human is amazing. The enemy at the top, waiting to kill me. The mice, white and black, eating away the roots of the tree to make it fall. The lion with an open mouth waiting to swallow me. The phyton coming up to eat me. A bee comes along and makes a beehive. And with the Lord’s infinite wisdom, the sun’s beam hits that beehive and from the heat, honey begins to drip from that hive. This human being, knowing he is dead, dead meat, forgot about all of that death, forgot about the enemy, the mice, the lion, the phyton, and said, wow man, I’m going to stretch my arm, and with my finger I want to see how sweet this honey is.

The enemy that is chasing me all the time to kill me, is death, sickness. Oh, poor guy so and so died. Had a heart attack. So and so died, had a stroke. Sickness is going to take me whether I like it or not. And if I’m not going to die of sickness, I’m going to die because death is going to come and take me away. That is the enemy that is chasing me all the time. I’m forgetting about them.

The two mice, white – the day, black – the night. The day and the night. I get up in the morning and I say ‘Oh wow, it’s another day.’ And then the sun goes down, and I say ‘The night came.’ And then I get up in the morning and I say, it’s another day. Another day, another night. Another day, another night. What are the day and the night doing? They are eating away from the tree of my life. They are eating away from the tree of my life – the day and the night – I’m getting older and as I’m getting older I’m getting closer to the grave.

The lion is the grave. He’s got his mouth open. The grave will swallow me, whether I like it or not. You can say from now till kingdom comes, I’m not going to die. You will. The grave awaits everyone. I’m not being pessimistic but I’m giving you a warning – don’t be tempted by the honey. Because the honey is the temptation of the world. The honey is star city casino. The honey is Las Vegas. The honey is this stinking world, this filthy world. This ugly world is that honey. Do not fall for the sweetness because in this sweetness there is poison, my beloveds. Poison. Poison. The phyton – Satan. Satan whispers in my ear to drive me to doing the wrong things. I’m forgetting and I’m thinking, ‘I’m here forever, let’s have fun.’ What fun?

The time is near. God bless you.

Be close to the Lord Jesus. Be close to the church. Be close to His word. Let the Bible be your friend. Read it everyday. Make it your food and gain the thought of God by reading the Holy Bible. Attend the church. Call your friends. Don’t come empty-handed. Don’t go alone. Bring other people with you. Encourage them and remind them not once, not ten, not a hundred, not a thousand times. Tell them all the time you need to come my dear friend because I don’t know if I’ll have the chance to tell you or if you’ll have the chance to hear the word and the voice of Christ saying to you, ‘My son, I am waiting for you to come to me.’ Because I don’t know if that day is going to come. I can’t guarantee nothing.

Do it while you can. Utilize the opportunity while it is within your reach.”

You can watch the sermon here.

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