Bishop Mar Mari: Book of Revelation Chapter 13 & its relevance to our times – the Empires (part two)

“Let’s go to Daniel again, Chapter 2, verses 31 to 33. There’s going to be a lot of Biblical referencing and a lot of history especially in the second part of our topic.

‘You, o king, were watching; and behold, a great image! This great image, whose splendour was excellent, stood before you; and its form was awesome. This image’s head was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.’

Now in Daniel Chapter 2, 31 to 33, what happened was that Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had a dream. He saw this statue which the head was made out of gold, the chest and the arms silver, belly and thighs bronze, legs iron and feet partly iron and clay. He called all the magicians of his country. He called all the sorcerers. He called all the fortune tellers. If any one of you goes to any clairvoyant, fortune tellers, black magic, I will kill you. Don’t you dare, please. don’t you dare go to such places. You are opening the door to Satan entering your life and destroying it once and for all. If you follow in this path, your end will be an absolute disaster. I guarantee it for you. Don’t ever go to any fortune teller. Don’t ever go to any clairvoyant. I don’t care if they tell you 100% accurately your life has been, they are the sons of the snake. They receive information from Satan. Period. Satanic. So, Nebuchadnezzar the king saw this dream and said I’m not going to reveal this dream. Let me see if these magicians and sorcerers what are going to do. They say we can tell the future, we can tell hidden things. So, he called them all and said I saw a dream and you need to tell me what dream I saw. And then you need to explain to me what this dream meant. None of them knew. He chopped their heads. He said you’re a bunch of liars. The word goes to Daniel who was living in exile at the time, the prophet Daniel. The prophet Daniel goes and prays to the God of Israel, the true divine God and he says, Lord, I need You now. I want to prove to Nebuchadnezzar and the entire nation there is only one God, and that one is the true God, the Creator of everyone and everything, visible and hidden. Reveal to me Lord the dream of Nebuchadnezzar and explain the dream. God comes to him and He says this is what he saw, and this is the explanation of it. Daniel goes to the king. He stands before him. He said king, this is what you saw and this is the explanation. Nebuchadnezzar salutes Daniel and bows his head before him and he says your God is the true God.

Now, let’s go to Daniel 2:38. Now this great image which Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream – he said the head was made of pure, fine gold. Now Daniel said to him, ‘Nebuchadnezzar, you are this head of gold.’ What you saw, that head of gold, is you. Meaning, Nebuchadnezzar. So, the head is the Babylonian Empire. Since Nebuchadnezzar is that golden head, well he was the king over Babylon. So the head of that great statue is referring to the Babylonian Empire.

The chest and the arms were of silver. It is the Medo-Persian Empire. Daniel 5:28 explains that. See the Holy Bible is self-explanatory. The belly and the ties were of bronze colour. And that is the Greek Empire – again, Daniel Chapter 8, verse 21, explains that very clearly. And historically speaking, the empire that came after the Greek Empire ruled by Alexander the Great, none but the Roman Empire.

Now the Roman Empire is the fourth beast which Daniel saw in Chapter 7, verses three to seven. And Daniel said that the fourth beast was the dreadful, terrible, shocking beast. The Roman Empire – oh my goodness, was ruthless. Ruthless! So many emperors came. I think they surpassed Satan. They were vampires. They were living on people’s blood. Thirsty for blood. The Roman Empire.”

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