Big foundations and organizations are set up to demand laws which just happen to coincide with what governments want

“I can remember when all the propaganda was going on about Free Willy, they even made a movie about ‘Free Willy’ the whale, and everyone was chatting about it as they always do. It’s marketed into the heads of people and they chat about it like Brzezinski said. Whoever is popular in the media is what they chat about. That becomes their topics of conversation. I was in Toronto at the time and a little blonde girl came to the door with a tin can for Green Peace and big blue eyes and everything and innocently asked for donating money to help the whales, save the whales; and I looked at her and I said should I burst this little girl’s bubble or just throw a few coppers in there and let her go on her happy oblivious way? Well, I did the latter. There was no point in shattering her ideal. She had no idea of the corruption in this world including the corruption of Green Peace and who even set it up.

Again, the big agencies at the top set up Green Peace. They set up all these big foundations and organizations that eventually demand that certain laws get passed, which just happens to coincide with what governments want. That’s what happens. Anyway, I let her go on her own sweet way dreaming about freeing Willy; and that’s the kind of world we live in. It’s a world where ideas with the use of terminology and massive indoctrinations through our schooling and through media, carried on by media, they call it ‘continuing education.’ That’s what they mean by the media, the television set and so on. That’s your real continuing education and most folk go to their deaths never ever knowing they’ve been conned their whole lives long.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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