A foster home or a forever home is being sought for Żepp, the dog abandoned by MFA

A foster home or a forever home is being sought for Żepp, the dog who MFA dumped at Noah’s Arc Sanctuary.

Here is a post by Maxine, an animal activist who has raised the number of adoptions ever since she was given charge of the governmental website of the Animal Welfare Sanctuary. Maxine replaced someone else who was refusing requests that were coming through the website, for ulterior motives. Thank you, and well done, dear Maxine.

What struck me in these photos were various things. Firstly, he does not look as old, sick, and in need of care as the MFA spokesperson has pictured him in the article by the Times of Malta. Moreover, his age in one of the photos is 12 or 13-years-old, whereas according to the MFA, Żepp is over 14-years-old. Thirdly, he does not look as bad as MFA depicted him. That lump can be operated upon. As for the rest, his skin looks great, and so does his health in general.

What a shame for the MFA to act as a role model on how to discard a sentient being once he is no longer wanted! Is this the example that associations like these give?

This story represents the mentality in Malta [and worldwide] when it comes to the abandonment of pets—that dogs and cats are seen as objects that they can just dispose of. It is a shocking story since MFA is trying to show that Żepp went to a ‘retirement home,’ not a shelter. Yes, shelters do their best and utmost to give love, and care to the dogs under their care, but it is not a dog elderly home or a dog hotel!

Żepp is a dog that provided a service to the community. He should be protected by the law, like all dogs, cats, and pets in general.

If any kind soul would like to foster or adopt beautiful Żepp, please contact the number on the below poster.

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