The British government is planning to poison more Britons with fluoridated water

Plans by the government will add fluoride to the drinking water of millions more Britons. Ministers have committed to initiating the largest fluoridation expansion since the 1980s as part of the eagerly anticipated dental recovery plan.

If the controversial plans are approved, about 1.6 million people in the North East will initially have the mineral added to their water supplies.

According to ministers, their long-term goal is to fluoridate a larger portion of the nation, with a “particular focus” on underprivileged areas. The media portal The Daily Mail makes you swallow the big, fat lie that fluoride contributes to the strength of teeth’s enamel, the hard outer layer that shields teeth from harm and abrasion. The harm and side-effects of fluoride will be discussed in another piece.

The Daily Mail adds that according to the British Fluoridation Society, just 6.1 million Britons, or around 10% of the population, have currently received water with fluoride levels sufficient to benefit oral health, in areas that include Hartlepool, Easington, parts of North Hampshire, and South Berkshire. It continues to support the British government’s plan by stating that the NHS and experts like the Government’s chief medical officer, Sir Chris Whitty, say that studies which have linked excessive quantities of fluoride to babies being born with Down’s syndrome, as well as kidney stones and some cancers, are claims which are not backed up by evidence, while he described them as ‘exaggerated and unevidenced.’ As if a government paid employee and so-called ‘experts’ will bite the hands that feed them! Because since the start of COVID-19, fairy tales now start with “Once upon a time, there were experts” and end with “And the experts lived happily richer ever after.”

Dear readers, there is evidence and how! This will be shown in another piece.

Rest assured that when the media tells you that something that the government is doing is good for you, it is 100% bad!

Fluoridated water was banned by almost all countries of the world due to its neurological damage.

The British government is planning to poison more Britons with fluoridated water because for the British government, fluoridated Britons will make the propaganda stink in their minds better and easier.

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