Occult symbols – the Pokemon game (1)

“Now, let’s go back to Pokemon. Because now we’ve already established that the same company that puts out that game and puts out Dungeons and Dragons, puts out cute little Pokemon. Ain’t that interesting? Now, before we go any further, I want to see if we as a group can agree on something. So I need the little audience participation here to say yes or no, okay?

Listen to me carefully. If we examine the characters of this particular program, and they are the kind of role models that we want our kids to be watching, in other words, if this whole game, the characters of this game, the monsters, this whole premise of this thing, actually goes to establish the kind of values, the kind of standards, and the kind of morals that we want our kids to have when they reach adulthood, that is okay. In other words, if they actually help to establish the kind of morals, values, and standards that we want our children or our grandchildren to have when they get to be an adult, then it must be all right. Can we agree on that?

So what we need to do is we need to examine and see what kind of role models we have in this game. Now, what we need to do then everybody go, Oh, again, I know he’s cute, isn’t he? Little, satanic tale. Up here is the Pokemon ball.

And inside of that, you catch the Pokemon. You actually catch the monster inside of that thing and harness the power in there. And then you can call onto that power to regenerate itself outside of that ball and praise God it turns into a bigger and better monster. Now we’re told that there are a 150 species of these particular creatures on the face of the earth. And we’re also told in the material that these pocket monsters are creatures that inhabit the world with humans. And that they can evolve and grow into bigger and better creatures. Now, the object of this game is ‘Gotta catch them all’. And they tell you that if you catch them all, you become a Pokemon Master. Listen, parents, that word ‘master’ will appeal to any child, because they can become a somebody. They can become a master. And you know what? If you’re the master of something, you don’t need mum, you don’t need dad, you don’t need grandparents, you don’t need aunts and uncles, you don’t need school, and you probably don’t even need the church, because you’re a master. You can become a god. That’s the premise of what this has been teaching. You become the Pokemon Master. That’s the whole premise and the whole goal of this game.”

You can watch the lecture here.

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