Newsbook tries to manipulate you into accepting the Kalergi plan

The media is always up to its tactics. It uses manipulative skills to tap into your feelings by trying to induce pity in you towards all those who perished at sea last January.

According to its article, around 100 people died or went missing in the central and eastern Mediterranean last month, which is more than double the number reported in the same period of time last year. Such findings were reported during the Italy-Africa summit in Rome by the United Nations migration agency and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). According to the article, there were more than 3000 people who died or disappeared in the Mediterranean Sea in 2023.

So, what do the Maltese people have to do with this? Shouldn’t the African government see to this? The thing is that we do not witness Europeans escaping by sea to Africa. Isn’t it strange how the Kalergi plan works? It seems to be one way, ain’t it?

Why is nothing being done to tackle human traffickers? Why aren’t people rebelling and rising up against politicians who have created an environment to support this trafficking with their policies while they use and abuse public funds so that these people enter Europe in an illegal way, because there are benefits to reap?

Dear Newsbook, stop resorting to psychological, manipulative tactics against the people so that they continue to accept the cold genocide that is ongoing against them.

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