A short essay from a National Security Perspective on the threats posed by international financial institution (part 3)


The subject of national security has many branches within it, some of which are obvious to the average man, while many others are not so obvious, and they make their judgments from a naïve, religiously grounded perspective. Due to this, the repercussions of such decisions are always dire, with long-term repercussions on the nation and the people’s interests and security. However, there’s a particular branch within this field of expertise that, from these repercussions, benefits greatly!

A little general overview for the general reader about the different major branches of national security.

Military Defense: This branch protects the nation and the people from supposedly external threats through the armed forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force). Although not advisable, however, due to the huge influx of migration (non-compatible cultures and identities in the long run always go to war against the host), this branch can be used to deal with internal threats. The obvious question, as always, boils down to the basic fact that no nation has the ability to deal with both internal and external threats simultaneously.

Intelligence and Counterintelligence: This branch is responsible for gathering, analyzing, and acting on information to prevent threats and counter espionage.

Cyber Security: This branch is responsible to protecting the information systems and critical infrastructure of the Nation from cyber threats and attacks.

Economic Security: This branch is also very vast within itself, holding many subcategories within its branch. Its role is to safeguard economic stability, financial system, social economic stability, and critical economic sectors from coercion and espionage.

Energy Security: This branch must ensure a stable, sustainable, and secure energy supply while protecting energy infrastructure.

Environmental Security: This branch addresses environmental threats, “climate change”, the social environment for the indigenous people which includes architecture, monuments, homogenous society etc, and natural disasters that impacts regional, national, continental, and global security.

Food Security: This branch ensures the availability, accessibility, and safety of food to all citizens.

Public Health: Protects the people against pandemics, bioterrorism, and other health related crises that has the potential to destabilize societies and nations.   

Border Security: The role of border security is to ensure the protection of the nation and its people from illegals entry, trafficking, and smuggling operations.

Transportation Security: Protects the network and infrastructure of transportations, which includes Air, maritime, land, pipelines, rails etc. from attacks and disruptions.

Logistics and Supply Chain Security: A branch that MUST ensure the resilience and security of supply chains critical to national defence and social everyday life.

Diplomatic Security: This is very crucial to ensuring peace and reaching agreements/ solutions with 3rd party nation/s. It secures the diplomatic missions, information, and personnel both at home and abroad.

Emergency Management and Response: This branch is responsible to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters, emergencies (especially if attacked).

Legal and Legislative Security: This establishes laws and policies that should protects the nation and its population.”

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