The war against farmers in France and Germany

Local farmers in Germany and France are under attack by their stupid governments.

As from last Monday, farmers in Germany and France started fighting for their rights before the governments continue with their wars on farmers so that they can starve you to death.

In Germany, the government has removed diesel subsidies and put huge taxes on farming equipment.

In France, excessive regulations and taxation for farming necessities. Should the fact that farmers are the ones being attacked, raise eyebrows?

In Germany, farmers “blocked city centres, highways and motorway slip roads with tractors at the start of a week-long, nationwide protest over planned cuts to agricultural sector subsidies.”

“We are exercising our basic right to inform society and the political class that Germany needs a competitive agricultural sector,” the president of the German farmers’ association, Joachim Rukwied, told Stern magazine on Monday.

“That’s the only way to ensure the supply of high-quality, homegrown food,” Rukwied said, adding that the protests, which brought the centres of cities including Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Bremen to a near-standstill, could last all week.

“Slow-moving tractor convoys and full-scale blockades hit traffic around the country before dawn, with authorities in the rural northern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania announcing that all autobahn on and off ramps were blocked.”

“In several regions, farmers holding signs such as ‘No farmer, no future’ and ‘Your policies are a declaration of war against farmers’ were joined by hauliers protesting at a hefty increase in road tolls for heavy goods vehicles.”

It is time to start paying attention to what the governments are doing.

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