The Rothschild – Nathan Mayer Rothschild (part five)

“Nathan’s firm was named N. M. Rothschild and Sons. The firm met in the New Court building and for the sake of brevity will be referred to as New Court. New Court was so powerful that it even became a gold broker for the Bank of England (whose price I believe they still fix at will, though I may be wrong).

He also founded the Alliance Insurance Company in England. The Illuminati has the Luciferian belief system that one’s evil acts must be balanced by one’s good acts. This belief system has led to the philanthropy of the truly evil elite (although much of this ‘charity’ money goes to fund their objectives). Nathan hated the common masses but his duty called. ‘Almoners, particularly those acting on behalf of the poor Jews of London, reported that they got thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of pounds out of Rothschild, but hardly a word and never a courtesy.’ Nathan did not enjoy charity. He was good friends with Thomas Buxton, the anti-slavery leader. The famous musicians Mendelssohn and Rossini taught his daughter to play the harp.”

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