The House of Rothschild and Israel (part two)

“The following quote will help you understand the Rothschild attitude towards the Jews:

‘The first principle of the House of Rothschild was to amass wealth, [and] the liberation of the [Jewish] race from oppressive restrictions contributed indirectly to this end, since it would facilitate intercourse with the rest of the world, and thereby increase the possibility of financial gain, which in turn would serve to increase its power.’ [The Rise of the House of Rothschild by Count Egon Corti, p. 124-125].

Amschel of the Frankfort House was constantly harassed by anti-Semites. As a result, ‘He became the grand almoner and grand protector to the German Jews; he helped sweep away the chains of Jew Street; he pressed, in the end successfully, for the Jews’ enfranchisement as free citizens of Frankfort’. One of the main Rothschild agents used to promote the emancipation of the Jews in Frankfort was Frederick von Gentz, the evil ‘Pen of Europe’. At this point I must clarify something for the reader. There are 3 Baron Edmond Rothschilds, and all 3 have been involved with the nation of Israel. To avoid confusion I will number them:

The first Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1834) House of France. Son of James and brother of Alphonse.

The second Baron Edmund ‘Eddie’ L. de Rothschild (1916- ) House of England. Son of Uonei Nathan and great, great grandson of the infamous Nathan Rothschild.

The third Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1926-) House of France. Son of Maurice and grandson of the first Baron Edmond.

The story begins with 1. Edmond, the ‘Father of Israel’. During the Crimean War (which was funded by the Rothschilds) the small Jewish community in Jerusalem became cut off from all outside support. This resulted in ‘semi-starvation’. 1. Edmond’s father, James, set up the James Mayer de Rothschild Hospital in Jerusalem in response to this problem. 1. Edmond picked up his father’s interest in Palestine. When the Russian Jews fled the Czar’s pogroms in the 1880s Edmond began to finance the Russian Jews’ attempts to establish colonies in Palestine. It is clear that the first Baron Edmond was a fan of Zionism, his charities were not only aiding the persecuted but were promoting the concept of a return the ‘homeland’.”

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