The Education System that Imperium Europa is proposing

When it comes to education, Imperium Europa proposes an educational system that is a mixture of the Humboldtian Education System and the British Traditional Education System. The main goal of such a system, according to Imperium Europa, is to breed the world’s greatest minds that will push our civilization into a new era, starting by unleashing a new Renaissance.

The principles of the Humboldtian Education System are those that give academic freedom, where both the teacher and the students are at liberty to research anything they deem best without any orders from above. This system, where teaching is research-oriented, uses an interdisciplinary approach where students are encouraged to explore various subjects and connect them. Apart from being research-oriented, this system has the student at the center of its learning, where the student will be autonomous in his studies and will be encouraged to carry the responsibility of his education.

The principles of the British education system are: they endorse the study of classical languages, which include Latin and Greek, which are the foundation of Western civilization and are important for the understanding of ancient philosophies; grammar, logic, and rhetoric are taught as a base on which critical thinking and communication skills are built; there is a focus on history and literature, particularly classical works like Shakespeare and Homer, which are the foundation of Western culture and provide knowledge on the nature of humanity and human conditions; and last but not least, a structure and discipline where the student is expected to follow strict rules and routines. Whatever they acquire academically must be the fruit of hard work and dedication.

Imperium Europa will have a primary sector designed to develop practical skills and academic knowledge where creativity, critical thinking, and social skills are fostered. The curriculum will be made up of reading, writing, mathematics, and science, incorporated with art, music, and physical education.

Imperium Europa will have a secondary sector where the student will have the opportunity to study a variety of subjects while focusing on and specializing in whatever interests him. The curriculum will include mathematics, science, language, and other voluntary subjects like engineering, technology, and business studies.

When it comes to the tertiary level, Imperium Europa will have it designed in a way where the focus is on research and innovation and where students are encouraged to do independent research.

What will be the desired and targeted results? Students will acquire the following skills: critical thinking, creative thinking, analytical thinking, systems thinking, interdisciplinary thinking, ethical thinking, communication skills, cultural awareness, entrepreneurial, scientific, and independent inquiry mindsets. A student will harness growth towards sport and physical exercise, discipline, and respect for authority. Students will also grow into adults who will be able to endure and withstand work under pressure.  

Of course, as far as nurturing the generation that will put our civilization into a new era, Imperium Europe is set to create an investment to nurture students a culture for the love of teaching in the aspects of classical knowledge, humanitarians, philosophy, history, music (local folklore and classic), sport, which includes martial arts, and also knowledge on handicrafts.

All this is backed by large investments in the institutions of culture, art, education, literature, science, infrastructure, and innovations.

How the education system has been truly turned around under PNPL
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