Occult symbols: ‘The All-Seeing Eye of Horus’ and ‘the Celtic Symbol’

“The symbol at the top is the all-seeing eye of Horus. Again, this is an Egyptian symbol, another reincarnation symbol. This symbol at the bottom is a very interesting symbol. I want to tell you about it. It’s a Celtic symbol. It’s a druid symbol and it’s over two thousand years old.

And you need to understand that at the time of the Celts, over two thousand years old when the Celtic religion was flourishing, they worshipped many deities but the greatest deity that they worshipped was a triple goddess. Now in Christianity we have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and they are all male in origin. In their religion they have a triple goddess and it’s all female. And this is that symbol. This stands for the mother goddess which it represents integrity. This is the daughter goddess which represents wisdom and this is the crone or the child and represents the earth and all power and then this is the circle that intertwines them throughout life, in other words the power that intertwines them throughout life. This was also adopted in 1970 by a rock and roll band called Led Zeppelin. And they put it on Led Zeppelin IV which is also actually referred to as Led Zeppelin Runes. And Runes are Celtic fortune telling symbols. And this is one of the symbols that are in Runes. But this is a two thousand year old symbol. It’s celtic and it means the worship of a triple goddess. Sarah Coventry Specialty.

“Look at this. Now you can get the symbol of the triple goddess – there’s the mother, the daughter, the crone, and now they’ve taken the circle out and bless their hearts they’ve put it in a triangle. Isn’t that nice? Now you guys know what you can get for your wives on her anniversary – not!

Here it appears on a New Age – again, New Age is not New Age, book called The Aquarian Conspiracy, put out by a lovely woman named Marilyn Ferguson. And Marilyn Ferguson, bless her heart, seems to think that all the social problems on the face of the earth are caused by us the Christians because we worship this one God, not all the many ones that should be worshipped. And she seems to think that the greatest thing that could happen is for us to be wiped off so this new thought could come into existence and that this new thought would not take place until we’re gone.

Now I have a question. If that particular symbol is two thousand years old, it’s a Celtic symbol, and it means the worship of their triple goddess, what is it doing on something we call holy?

Now you can only come to two conclusions. Only two! Number one is that the Nelson Publishing companies said well that’s the symbol for the Holy Trinity – God the father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Or that’s on there because it is a counterfeit version of God’s word. If you take the New King James Bible and compare it to the King James Bible, you will find words that have been omitted, left off, downplayed, and downright perverted. I’m going to tell you something brothers and sisters. If you ever run across a version of God’s word that even downplays one little bit the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, you get rid of that thing, because the blood of Jesus is what gives you your spiritual authority to trample over him and his minions. Praise God that was for somebody.”

The lecture can be watched here.

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