How you are being poisoned and sickened through MSG or ‘natural flavours’ in packaged food

Do you know that 99% of all packed food that we find on the market contains brain-damaging MSG, even if this is not labelled?

MSG stands for monosodium glutamate, while in many countries it goes by the name of ‘China salt’. Beside its flavour-enhancing effects, MSG has been associated with various forms of toxicity, and it has been linked with obesity, metabolic disorders, Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, neurotoxic effects, and detrimental effects on the reproductive organs. It also builds up in the brain and causes insomnia and migraines, and it actually destroys brain cells.

Whenever you see ‘natural flavours’ written down in the ingredients of any food you find on the store’s shelves, it is really MSG. Basically anything that says ‘flavour’ has MSG in it. This is how the chemical companies lie through their teeth.

When MSG was added to food in 1909, they used glutamic acid from natural seaweed. This became too costly and labour-intensive, so they eventually switched to the synthetic toxic version called monosodium glutamate. When researchers in the 1970s started to catch on to MSG in food and started to question it, the chemical companies changed it to ‘natural flavours’ which are added to food to add flavour. Can you guess how something that is natural can be in packaged food? Don’t you think that the only natural food you can eat is that which you can eat directly from nature and from the earth? And please watch out for packaged food labelled as ‘organic’ and ‘healthy’ because you might also find some toxic ingredients in it.

Your favourite food may contain anywhere from 100 to 1000 different chemicals when it says “natural flavours” on the back. These are mixtures of chemicals used to produce a particular flavour. These businesses are not legally required to disclose the ingredients in their hazardous mixtures. Therefore, food that appears to be five ingredients strong may actually contain over 1000 ingredients. Ask any business that uses natural flavours what that is, and not a single company on the planet will be able to respond since they have no idea what they are using. In essence, all these purchasing companies don’t understand it.

This means that the entire food supply is contaminated with MSG, and please take note that this includes many organic packaged foods, vegan packaged foods, flavored coffee drinks, chocolate, juices, sauces, salad dressings, ice cream, literally everything. It’s a dark secret that keeps the human race sick.

This means that we are being poisoned. No wonder we get sick because we might be eating MSG by the spoonful, and we do not even know it.

You can’t eat healthy when you eat anything packaged. Eat as many whole foods as possible. Fruit, vegetables, wild fish or some white meat [for those who are neither vegan, vegetarian, nor fruitarian], grains, seeds, nuts, and some wild foods. Also, start experimenting with doing homemade stuff, and make sure you know the source from which you are buying the ingredients.

Do you want to learn more? Click here for the Natural Flavour podcast and other podcasts with mind-blowing information that you won’t find anywhere else about how we are being poisoned through the food system, even that food that is sold to you as ‘healthy’.

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