Dr Fearne still refuses to tell you that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing your loved ones

You know that the weak and liars need forces when after publishing an article citing the unelected, corrupt WHO to tell you the lie that the COVID-19 vaccines have saved lives, Gwida.mt publishes another article citing Dr. Fearne citing the same unelected, corrupt WHO to tell you the lie and make you believe that “Malta Was One Of The Countries In The World That Saved Lives Through The Covid-19 Vaccine.”

Like Gwida.mt, the man in suit and former minister of health, Dr. Fearne, tries to make you believe that the COVID-19 vaccines that he was a salesman for, saved lives. But they both refuse to tell you that the COVID-19 vaccines are killing people. Liars of a feather flock together while joining forces because they cannot stand on their own like truthers do.

I thought that I would hear less from Fearne’s mouth, but my wish was not granted. So here he is again writing on his Facebook profile about the report issued by the unelected, corrupt WHO of which he is part, “which mentions how much impact the vaccine has had in our country during the pandemic.”

Of course it made an impact! Malta saw an overwhelming number of excess deaths in 2023! What do you think was the cause?

I hope that Dr. Fearne is not harbouring the idea that he might have the qualities to be ‘Malta’s hero and saviour’. Aren’t you concerned about the alarming excess deaths that Malta has witnessed in 2023, Dr Fearne? Can you give us the correct statistics of how many vaccinated have died post-vaccine rollout? Can you give us statistics on how many vaccinated people have ended up in hospital post-vaccine rollout? Do you know how many are still injured and suffering consequences after taking the vaccine?

Here are comments which show that people are no longer believing you, Dr. Fearne:

But here comes Big Pharma salesman, to tell you:

“A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that #Malta was one of the countries in the world that saved lives through the Covid-19 vaccine: A big thank you to the hundreds of professionals who contributed during the difficult time of the pandemic.”

This country places first for the wrong reasons, it seems.

Truth has to not only suffer with the ‘pens’ of the media, but it also has to suffer by the ‘tongue’ of a lying man in suit who played the main role in a fake pandemic based on fake PCR tests, directed by corporate, fake science which has made billions out of a fake vaccine science but which made you believe that together with the fake mask and fake social distancing science, you will be saved through the government’s message which was also fake.

And yet, Dr. Fearne still wants to make you believe the lie. What you should remember is that he forms part of the same WHO and as long as he can keep his positions, big salaries, and office, the lie will remain.

Dr. Fearne, the truth will be out, whether you want it or not, and whether you like it or not. The COVID-19 vaccines are killing people. When this truth is out, you, Dr. Fearne, will have to explain to what’s left of the living why you didn’t protect them from these deadly bioweapons. ‘I was just following orders’ will not cut it through intellectual discourse.

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