Citing the unelected WHO, refuses to tell you that the vaccines are killing lives

If anyone wants to get a fraction of reality of the sudden and unexpected deaths that the world is experiencing, visit the Facebook page of It has mostly turned itself into a funeral, with all its articles of deaths of people of all ages.

And if you are shocked, remember that what you are seeing is only a fraction of reality because the reality is far more worse than you can imagine.

But then here comes the same to tell you that “New Research Shows That Covid Vaccines Have Saved More Than 1.4 Million Lives In Europe.” It is clear that the hardest thing for the same to explain to you is the glaringly evident which you have not decided to see, or which refuses to see. This is because, truly, the COVID vaccines have killed many lives and left others injured and harmed. And yet, is turning a blind eye to all this vaccine harm and these vaccine coincideaths because journalists are not up to do one day’s honest media coverage because collapsing the covid-19 narrative and the covid-19 vaccines’ narrative is not in their interest. cites a new study that shows that “vaccines against COVID-19 have reduced deaths by at least 57%, representing more than 1.4 million lives.” Guess by whom this study was released? By the same WHO – the unelected body which pushed the pandemic and the vaccines. Ha! What a joke! The same World Homicide and Hell Organization is trying to sell you the lie that the experimental and deadly bioweapons it has sold you, through your governments, have saved you.

“The study also found that without vaccination, around four million people would have died from the coronavirus. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Europe has seen more than 277 million confirmed cases and more than 2.5 million recorded deaths.” Oh well, so many of us are sorry to disappoint you because we are still and will remain unvaccinated and still alive and healthy. We must be a strange, abnormal species that trusts a precious, impeccable, perfect, God-given immune system that does not have a history of fraud, bribery, and disinformation.

How ironic it is that it took twenty-four hours for the same, together with other media portals, like the Times and Lovin Malta, to announce the sudden and unexpected death of forty-nine-year-old local fashion designer Drew Warhurst, who died a few days after his mother, whose funeral was held last Saturday. Several reliable sources are reporting all cause mortality of young, healthy people happening within the last three years, and no media is asking what the common denominator is.

This is a genocide, the biggest crime of all time against humanity, with the aim of reducing the population.

If you are still silent, you are still complicit. Any media that is still silent shows that it is replacing the truth with silence, and that silence is a lie.

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