Byron Camilleri and the emotionally manipulative rhetoric on the Maltese nation

Here comes the Minister for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms, and Equality for Malta, commenting in a post of his about the comments that the festivities of the Philippines received from some Maltese people. Jeremy Camilleri must be happy that now, even the Labour Minister is speaking the same rhetoric as his, considering that he said that none of the parties are taking action.

In the typical gaslighting modus operandi whereby you are reminded how Maltese who live abroad are treated, he goes with the same rhetoric of:

“When I visited the Maltese communities in Canada and the United States a few months ago, I was pleased to see them celebrating our identity thousands of kilometers away from our shores. They kept strong the Maltese traditions, with the food, the language, the bands, and even the various saints who were used to celebrating their feast in Malta. Recently, I have seen inappropriate comments about the Filipino community in Malta, which celebrated their religious festival in the most peaceful way. This is an annual celebration that they celebrate with the statue of baby Jesus in the streets of Marsaskala. These comments do not pay tribute to those who made them nor do they represent what the Maltese and Gowis of good will believe in. If these people are good enough to be carers, accountants, and waiters among us, there should be nothing to stop them from living their lives in peace among us.”

Ħallina naqra! Did these Maltese communities invade whole small islands abroad? This is a very different scenario that cannot be compared! Byron Camilleri, your post is emotional manipulation on the Maltese people! Shame on you! Is this the way you are trying to silence the Maltese people, whom you should be defending? Is this the way you are trying to make the Maltese people feel guilty? Is this the way you are failing to acknowledge how the Maltese people are feeling with the invasion of foreigners here? Is this the way you try to avoid admitting the wrongdoings of the government by using the Maltese who are living abroad? The Maltese have become third-class citizens in their own country.

We can have Maltese carers, accountants, and waiters ONLY because Malta belongs to the Maltese people by birthright! To have the opportunity to find and get employment is our right too! Everything is being taken away from the Maltese people in their own country!!

Your statement: “Dawn il-kummenti ma jagħmlux ġieħ lil min għamilhom u lanqas jirrappreżentaw dak li jemmnu fih il-Maltin u l-Għawdxin ta’ rieda tajba” is your opinion. And yes, you are entitled to it, but you are not entitled to tell the Maltese people what theirs must be. And I am not here to debate because this site is not a debate club. I write and publish to make people think. Byron Camilleri, you have the unfortunate power to push your narrative so to lay the bed for the integration that has been put aside since the MEPs elections are in a few months time. But you have no moral authority to invalidate the collective, national sentiment of the people who it seems are becoming more assertive. The Maltese never voted to become multicultural and cosmopolitan like Trudeau’s Canada and Biden’s America. The Maltese did not vote to be ethnically replaced in their own country, which, from a peaceful island full of quaint towns and villages, has been turned into one cosmopolitan city, deprived of nature, greenery, and a stress-free lifestyle.

We have become frustrated, anxiety-driven and sad in our homeland. Shame on you all – capitalists, political parties, cash cows, liberals and anyone who is in cahoots in this bubbling, hell-broth cauldron while round you go throwing the entrails of the Maltese nation into it.

You, along with Bernard Grech and Jeremy Camilleri, are making a wrong interpretation of the Maltese people’s reaction! Are you all embracing a die-hard communist thinking?

Byron Camilleri, shouldn’t you be the Minister for security and equality? Aren’t the Maltese people being deprived of security and equality in all this? After all, culture is soft power and you should also know that there are cultures and identities who are non-compatible! And you should also know that in the long run, non-compatible cultures and identities go to war.

And while those Philippines who were celebrating make use of the international laws that protect them in their land, the Maltese are not being protected at all! The example of Canada which you have used draws into it a common European culture and identity, so you have made use of a wrong example, especially when we were a British colony. Why don’t you speak of the cold genocide that is being perpetrated on us Maltese and Europeans in general? The Maltese just had a normal, human reaction which is a growing sentiment amongst them and I say it is understandable.

In your ministry, you have people specialized in security. Are you seeing into who is filling certain roles? When the Lisbon Agenda was signed which started the slaughter of monolithic Europe, security analysts warned that civil war is inevitable but the entire left ignored them and did the opposite. What is being done from your end to protect Malta and the Maltese who voted for you, Minister Byron Camilleri?

Dear Maltese people, be lion-metted, and proud of your country. Do not take heed of such posts which are intended to place seeds of doubts and guilt and shame in your minds.

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