Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel replies to the question ‘What is your view of Pope Francis’s controversial comments on homosexuality?’ (part three)

“So, to say as a Church leader, you hold the key to the kingdom of heaven, and you can open the door and close the door and in accordance with that you can now say ‘We have to accept everyone in the name of love’, excuse me?! Homosexuality was burned by God. Sodom and Gomorrah. God will never, ever allow such a lifestyle. God hates divorces in the time of Noah and God hated homosexuality in the time of Lut and Sodom and Gomorrah and He burnt the two cities to the ground. This will always be God’s view of such behaviour, and punishment as well.

I mean look at America, how they have become ever since they started introducing laws against the Lord. And Australia will suffer the consequences as well. And every country that denies Jesus Christ, who were once upon a time built on Christian values, and now they are denying those Christian values, they will have to answer for that. It’s not easy. They think they are getting away with it but the Lord will bring punishment upon those countries that are in denial of His sovereignty and divinity. They will be punished. So, they can do whatever they want. They can put their rainbow flags whenever they want. But, hey! The last time I said it, now I say it again. This woman was ordained the bishop in an Anglican church. Leaders from Apostolic churches, Orthodox, they went to congratulate this woman, in the name of love [giggles]. In the name of love. My dear friend, what are you doing there? Hello? Are you home? Do you realize the Anglican church accepts gays and lesbians in the ecclesiastical order? They have bishops who are gays and lesbians; priests who are gays and lesbians; and they have bishop women. I’m not judging. Maybe that woman is better than me, please. But hey, it cannot be there. With all love and respect, you can’t be there. If you’re not a doctor, please, don’t pretend to be one. Who allowed you? Definitely not the Lord. If the Lord didn’t allow it, who do you think you are Church leader to allow it? Who do you think you are? How dare you challenge Christ? How dare you?

In this instance, I will smack them if I see them. Honestly, I will smack them. Not the woman. Those Apostolic leaders. The woman doesn’t know any better. That’s her church. She’s been taught by a church to do that. But you guys you should know better. Definitely we are living in the end of times, definitely, my beloveds. It’s upsetting, but I’m praying, I’m praying for everyone. I’ll argue with my brother but I’ll still love my brother. See, you should never lose track of love. I may disagree with Pope Francis but I still love him and I pray for him, before it’s too late. I will always pray, before it’s too late for all of us. We need to pray. Love one another but no compromises. When it comes to the Lord, there is no compromises; there is no being politically correct. You need to speak the truth as it is. Christ is the light of the world. Are you going to say it’s kind of gray. It’s light and ermmm…The sun is shining. It’s light.”

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