Bernard Grech, have you turned against the Maltese people, embracing the Kalergi plan?

In his post, Jeremy Camilleri wrote that:

Now that even a peaceful feast with all the required permits organized by foreigners raises comments of hatred and intolerance, where are the powers that be to condemn this racism? You don’t hear a single word from either the government or the opposition.

Did Camilleri notice the article by Newsbook dated 14th January, titled “Grech softens tone on foreign workers, ‘will not accept talk of race and skin colour’” where the thane of the Nationalist Party, Bernard Grech, is reported stating in his interview on Sunday morning with Keane Cutajar, editor of Malta Daily, that he will oppose speeches that target specific nations, skin colours, or races. Grech, who before was accused by Prime Minister Abela of making use of populist rhetoric when various issues in Malta had their blame pinned on foreign workers, has now changed direction, stating that ‘every individual holds equal value, regardless of their origin.’ Bernard Grech, you are worse than a weathercock! Whereas before you linked foreign workers to criminality and infrastructure problems, now you have become one and the same with the rhetoric of the Labour government!

And the most stupid argument of Grech is that “while maintaining that overpopulation is a concern for Malta”, he “clarified that he does not advocate for the expulsion of foreign workers but suggests they should take a basic Maltese test after a year of residence.” This basically means that he is not concerned with overpopulation at all since he is now advocating for foreigners to stay in Malta! Bernard Grech, have you turned against the Maltese people, embracing the Kalergi plan?

In a word, you are agreeing with the government so that, at the opportune moment, the Maltese people will be shoved ‘integration’ down their throat which now has become populist rhetoric for him, agreeing with Prime Minister Abela. What type of nationalist are you, Bernard Grech? Are you comfortable with the lack of harmony that exists between the state and the nation? In June, the Maltese people will vote, and with their vote, I hope that they will say ‘no’ to an ethnic substitute for their nation.

As long as foreigners continue to invade Malta, traffic will worsen; infrastructure will worsen; the right for better pay and ample employment opportunities will cease; the right to exercise our Christian faith will cease.

The two parties are trying to put 200 birds in a square foot cage.

Both parties are now your traitors, dear Maltese people, because they have to obey their puppeteers in running the show which makes them richer. But please note, that they do it for your economy – such is their filth sold to you.

Now it is up to you to start using your brains, and defend your country and the future of your children, which so far, looks scary. And stop hoping and having faith in the Nationalist party. You will lose them both the minute Grech opens his mouth!

Bernard Grech, instead of serving as a good opposition to the government, you have, as usual, joined the bandwagon. You have failed to ‘stop an enemy that is making a mistake’ (Napoleon).

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