What are the repercussions if Ukraine, Kosovo and Moldova have to become members of the EU?

EU leaders have decided to give Georgia candidate country status and to begin accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova. Hungary says it will not partake in the clowning, through its prime minister, Viktor Orbán’s mouth. In fact, Orbán left the summit hall.

When will this European Union, or better still the tribe of Cain and the modern Babylon, disappear from the face of the earth and let us live in peace?

What will the repercussions be if Ukraine, Kosovo and Moldova had to become members? Would we have to swallow a sponge that absorbs the finances of the European people? Will this yield only trouble, more corruption, more wars and possibly a direct, military confrontation with Russia?

What a shame it is that the leaders of all European countries, except Orban, do not have the decency to tell the truth while betraying their own countries!

Keep on hailing for Metsola or Cyrus Engerer, dear popolin! While you are at it, thank them and put them on a throne.

When will you understand that the EU is working for the destruction of everything that is European?

When are you going to fight for your children?

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