Times of Malta refuses to inform the public that actor Matthew Perry was vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine

This site’s blog about the death of Matthew Perry had the following introduction:

“The media is up to its usual games. As long as you are deceived, then the game continues being played. Here comes Reuters with its article titled “‘Friends’ star Matthew Perry dies of possible drowning at 54””.

So according to Reuters, the possible death was drowning. Yet the media is always refusing to mention the vaccination status of these sudden deaths that the world is witnessing so at least we can start working out some statistics of where does the Covid-19 vaccine come in. After all, the mainstream media has sold it to you as ‘safe and effective’.

This site’s blog also gave proof that Matthew Perry was vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine:

Now here comes our Times of Malta, parroting other international medial portals, so to try to make you believe that “Matthew Perry died of accidental ketamine overdose, examiner finds.” Before we go through the article, and dissect it acutely well, the part ‘accidental ketamine overdose’ should already raise eyebrows. Accidental? How can the media and the examiner in question explain how could this be accidental, unless Matthew Perry took an overdose of it on purpose?

Now let us dissect the article.

First, the Times writes this sentence:

“He had struggled for decades with addiction to drugs, including ketamine, and related serious health issues, but had reportedly been clean for 19 months prior to his passing.” So, he has been on ketamine for decades but now he accidentally overdosed? And aren’t we told that he has been reportedly clean for 19 months? Do you see how things do not add up when there is an elephant in the room which is being left out?

We also read that the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s office said that his cause of death is “from the acute effects of ketamine ” and that “contributory factors in his death include drowning, coronary artery disease and buprenorphine effects.” What are the odds that he had a heart attack while he was bathing and then drowned?

The Times added that “In his memoir Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing, published last year” Perry wrote “I have mostly been sober since 2001,” he wrote, “save for about sixty or seventy little mishaps over the years.”  Was he sober or not?

But here comes some big, confusing statements.

Firstly, the article also states that “the examiner’s report does not specify how or when Perry had consumed the fatal dose of ketamine.” But if he died of an ‘accidental overdose’ of ketamine, doesn’t an overdose of ketamine, as research states, happen instantly?

Secondly, the Times wrote “But it found that trace amounts were detected in his stomach.”

Thirdly, and this is the biggest statement of all that should be making you stop and think: “Perry was undergoing medical treatment involving ketamine — but his most recent known infusion was more than a week before his death, meaning that dose would no longer have been in his system.” If ketamine was no longer present in his system, how can he have died of an overdose of the same drug?

And then we get the baloney paragraph which reads: “The examiner’s report says the levels of ketamine in Perry’s blood were comparable to higher-range levels used as general anaesthetic in surgeries, and would cause overstimulation of the heart and problems breathing. This could have caused Perry to lapse into unconsciousness, with drowning then becoming a contributory cause of death. Perry’s coronary artery disease, and his use of buprenorphine to treat severe pain, would have made him more vulnerable to the effects of ketamine, the report finds. No alcohol was detected in his system by the autopsy report. Nor were there any traces of other drugs such as cocaine, heroin or fentanyl.” But he has been taking ketamine for years, as he wrote. Why did ketamine cause his death now? Was water found in his lungs or no since drowning was a contributory factor? How could Perry, who was used to taking the drug, drown unless he had a heart attack which did not give him the time and strength to come out of the bath? Because the only way for him to drown was for him to be in a state of k-hole?

Now since drowning is listed as a contributory cause of death, then water must have been found in his lungs meaning that he was conscious and swallowed water. What was the amount found? Does the report state this? But can you drown in a bath? Can you see how things do not add up?

This article and this report are baloney because things do not add up. Can you see all the contradictions highlighted in bold, in it? One cannot die because of ketamine. According to research, ketamine takes you into what is known as a k-hole which is a complete detachment from reality and a dissociative state which large doses of ketamine can cause. It is like having an out-of-body experience. At lower doses, the drug makes the user feel relaxed, numb, trippy, and giggly with floating sensations.

According to research, although ketamine overdoses have occurred, they are RARE and in order for the drug to suppress breathing, it must be not only taken in high doses but it must be injected directly into veins. In addition, the risk of overdose is increased when ketamine is mixed with alcohol, illegal drugs, and other depressants.

If, according to the report, there was no alcohol and other drugs present in Perry’s system, how could he have increased the risk of a ketamine overdose?

If, according to the report, ketamine caused him problems breathing, how could this be if traces of ketamine were found in his stomach, meaning, that he did not inject the drug which is the only way where breathing problems come about in these circumstances?

If overdoses of ketamine are rare, how could Matthew Perry have died of an overdose from the same drug? Because the irony is that when someone develops a reaction to the Covid-19 vaccine, the media tells us that this is rare, but now there is no mention that dying of a ketamine overdose is rare!

What if, the ingredients of the Covid-19 vaccine, which Perry surely took as he bragged about it, caused him a heart attack? Did the coroner look for some post-vaccination status complications in Perry’s system or is the Covid-19 vaccine just being thrown in a closet when autopsies have to be done?

What if, Matthew Perry suffered a heart attack while he was having a relaxing bath, due to the Covid-19 vaccine?

If the Times of Malta is not doing any research, and writing critical articles, then it should stop writing and parroting non-sense.

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