The Rothschild – the House of the Rothschild (5)

“The Illuminati fueled the French Revolution when it got under way in the 1790s, and Prince William began to get nervous. He was afraid the revolutionary riots would reach Germany and he would lose his gold. So he invested his money in a magnificent new palace called Wilhelmshoe, which was built from 1791 to 1798. Although the French Revolution frightened William it was a delight for Mayer. The war helped his sales. When the French ended up pitted against the Holy Roman Empire, the prices of imported goods skyrocketed, and importing goods from England was a Rothschild specialty. In fact, Mayer’s English trade helped him secure a deal with the Landgrave (through Buderus, of course) in which he became a middleman in England’s payments for the hire of Hessian soldiers. ‘…every ill wind of the 1790s seemed to blow good to the Rothschilds.’ The winds were so good that by the end of the decade they were established as a rich and independent family. In 1800 they were the 11th richest family in Frankfort’s Jew Alley (not counting the wealth in proxy). Around the turn of the century Mayer decided to send his most clever son, Nathan, to England to establish another Rothschild House. The family tells a silly story about Nathan leaving for England to best an annoying English cotton trader, but I believe that Nathan was sent by Mayer with a specific purpose – to establish power with the Rothschild network in that country. Nathan arrived in England with no knowledge of the language but a great amount of money. He would soon be the most powerful maughn in Europe. Many more profitable events occurred at the turn of the century. Many of these events revolve around the Rothschild infiltration of the Thurn and Taxis postal system.

The House of Thurn and Taxis was of the Black Nobility. In 1516 Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I (of the Merovinglan bloodline and husband of a member of the Black Nobility) commissioned the House to create a mounted postal service between Vienna and Brussels. The service eventually included all of Central Europe. The head office of the system was in Frankfort, which was rather convenient for Mayer who proceeded to do business with them. His relationship with Thurn and Taxis became so close that the service began to inform him of any pertinent information found among the letters (that they had a habit of covertly reading). This mail fraud system was also used by the Emperor Francis to keep abreast of his enemies. While Mayer was receiving stolen news from Thurn and Taxis he was busy setting up his own postal service so that no-one could secretly discover his dealings. This system was eventually so effective that the Rothschilds became the best and fastest informed individuals in the world. The system was so good that many prominent men began to send their letters through the Rothschilds, who of course, always snuck a peak at the contents. The business with Thurn and Taxis helped Mayer receive the title ‘Imperial Crown Agent’ in 1800. This title served as a passport that allowed him to travel throughout the Holy Roman Empire. It also provided the right to bear arms, and it freed him from having to pay the taxes and obligations upon the Jews of that period. Mayer began to get even more titles, including one from the German Order of St. John. His sons Amschel and Salomon were also busy getting various titles. In 1801 they became crown agents of the Landgrave William of Hesse-Cassel. All these titles were wonderful but most important was the Landgrave’s. The Landgrave was the richest Prince in Europe and the Rothschilds were determined to take advantage of his wealth.”

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