The 13 ruling families: The Rothschild (part nine)

Extent of Rothschild Power: “According to one source ‘it was estimated that they controlled half the wealth of the world.’ The Federal Reserve Bank of New York was controlled by five banks which owned 53% of its stock. These five banks were controlled by Nathan M. Rothschild & Sons of London. Control over the U.S. Fed is basically control over the world’s money. That fact alone shows how immense the Rothschild power is. If one examines who has been appointed to head the Fed, and to run it, the connections of the ‘Federal’ Reserve System to the Rothschilds can further be seen. Another private enterprise using the name Federal that the Rothschilds also direct is Federal Express. Any one else might be taken to court for making their businesses sound like there are government, not the Rothschilds. It is appropriate for them to appropriate the name of Federal, because by way of MI6 via the CIA they instruct the U.S. government. Senators are bought and paid off by their system, as investigators of the BCCI are discovering. The Rothschilds have been intimately involved in witchcraft and the Illuminati since its early known history. The Kaiser of Germany seems to refer to them when he said, ‘the magic powers of money as wielded by the Lord of Lucre are powers of Black Magic at its blackest.’

If only half of the wealth is controlled by the Rothschilds, it indicates that if they are to be part of the world’s rulership, they must have allies.”

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