Newsbook and the Government still refuse to inform the public that the Covid-19 vaccines are injuring, maiming and killing people

We all know that the local media was part and parcel of the scaremongering during Covid-19. And it was also part and parcel of promoting the Covid-19 vaccines and making the masses believe that only if these vaccines are taken en masse, will the pandemic be over so that they can go back to their matrix bot – the sleepy world they are accustomed to.

But then, never did any local media tell the public that the Covid-19 vaccines are experimental and killing people. Newsbook, the media portal of the Church, tagged along in this farse. Aren’t Newsbook journalists concerned about an abundance of people dropping dead and dying suddenly? Every media which has submitted itself to market these experimental and deadly vaccines have placed another brick in the wall in the death prison.

And the most disturbing thing is the media’s continued lack of curiosity and investigation. But now Newsbook wants to sort of see how to go about it, with its article about a Maltese thirty-eight-year-old woman who has filed an action in Court against the health authorities where she alleged that she suffered a permanent disability after two years ago she was incorrectly given the first AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccination in her left shoulder on 3 March 2021. A doctor had certified that her pain was caused by complications caused by the vaccination and told her that she could not drive. The woman continued to experience pain in her left shoulder and went to Mater Dei Hospital where several MRI scans were performed. On April 13, the neurologist consultant referred her to an orthopedic specialist. He told her that he suspected that she was suffering from a condition known as Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA).

What if this pain is not related to SIRVA but has to do with the actual vaccine itself and its deadly ingredients? Why aren’t medical staff questioning these vaccines, instead of coming up with any cover-up excuse? Why isn’t Newsbook questioning this to the public to make them think?

Here are some comments that this article received, from people who are suffering the same pain as this woman in their shoulders or legs. Do the readers think that its administration is to blame or is it the vaccine itself?

Here is another comment and the replies it received showing the injuries that the vaccine has caused. A commentator in question also said how he was going to be denied treatment unless he takes the vaccine:

According to a commentator, our hospital is witnessing a rise in deaths in young people:

According to another commentator, it is the vaccine which is causing premature deaths and whoever wanted the public to get vaccinated, knew that they were not reliable and are now not shouldering the blame:

Last but not least, another commentator claims that he lost hearing in one of his ears after taking the first dose and thus, those who pushed for the vaccines, should be held accountable and imprisoned:

I am sure the readers know to whom should they point the fingers.

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