Is there any specific reason why the government website ‘adopt a pet’ does not feature all the dogs and cats at their respective sanctuaries?

It has been a few months since the launch of the government website ‘Adopt a Pet.’ In it, one can find dogs and cats which are found at the Animal Welfare Malta and Animal Welfare Gozo and then there are links to other respective local sanctuaries.

I have nothing against this initiative and I find it an addition to the promotion that these beautiful homeless dogs and cats are given on social media pages by their respective sanctuaries.

This site was informed that there were a few requests that came through this website but apparently all requests were refused because on ‘studying’ the interested adopters, it was found out that they were not trustworthy and that they were backyard breeders. I find this strange. How are interested adopters studied? Through finding them on social media? Is there a list of backyard breeders that the government has which can be used as a reference? When is the government going to do something about backyard breeding which is nothing but a cow milking money?

I understand that dogs are not just given away on first-come first-serve basis, but are interested adopters asked for a face-to-face meeting without giving any committed answer? Are their homes paid a visit pre and post adoption?

I am aware that the dogs at the Animal Welfare are currently not being neutered due to the lack of a recovery room and 24×7 care which a dog needs post-operation. I agree with this. Letting a dog to recover from an operation in a pen, where his daily necessities are done, unattended, is neither hygienic nor safe practice. Whereas before the dogs used to be neutered and taken care of by APH, this now cannot be done because APH has been closed! But can’t an interested adopter be explained that the dog will be given neutered and due to the above reason, the dog is to be picked up on the appointed date of the operation by the same adopter so that s/he can recover at the adopter’s home? I am also aware that alternatively, adopters are given a voucher and they are bound to neuter their chosen dog. But if this is seen as less trustworthy, then the first option must be considered. Isn’t it like this that backyard breeding, about which the government is doing nothing about, is eliminated?

And why doesn’t this website feature all the dogs and cats that need a home? There are so many. Lately, there were new intakes too. Is there any specific reason because I find that this is failing all those many other dogs who need to enjoy a home!

How I wish that Malta reaches a point where there are no strays and where there are no sanctuaries. Having the thought brewing of hopefully adopting another furry companion in the near future, going round seeing all those dogs in their pen, really breaks my heart and soul. Knowing that I cannot save them all, really saddens my spirit.

I pray and hope that these articles stir something for the better, for these beautiful souls who know nothing except giving unconditional love. I pray and hope that they are at the hands of workers who truly work for their benefit and homing.

And thus I appeal to all the readers to not only visit this website, but to consider fostering or adopting. And if you can’t, and if you are reading this article, share the word with your friends and relatives. Maybe they will. All dogs in local sanctuaries, especially those at the Animal Welfare Malta, who are enclosed in a pen for 23 hours and 45 minutes the whole day, deserve much better.

And this is my plea.

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