Cardinal Robert Sarah: ‘Those who announce change and disruption to the Catholic doctrine are false prophets!’

Here is what Cardinal Robert Sarah had to say about the false teachings and doctrine that pastors, priests, and bishops sell to the people, which not only creates more confusion but also does not encourage the people to follow the true path of spirituality, with God at the centre.

I would like to remind the readers that Cardinal Robert Sarah was the Holy See’s liturgy prefect. He resigned from his post when his vision of the Church clashed with the one articulated by Pope Francis. This was in 2021.

“I am hurt by seeing so many pastors selling Catholic doctrine and creating divisions among the faithful. We owe the Christian people clear, firm, and stable teaching. How can we accept that bishops’ conferences contradict each other? Where confusion reigns, God cannot live! Those who announce change and disruption are false prophets! They are not looking out for the good of the flock. They are mercenaries in the fold! Our unity will be forged around the truth of Catholic doctrine. There are no other ways. Wanting to gain the popularity of the media at the price of the truth is like doing the work of Judas!”

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