Archbishop Viganò on how the Satanic New World Order, Globalism and Freemasonry are destined to fail (9)

The state religion

The system of indoctrination has been proven to be effective, and throughout history it has changed only a few details due to new times or technological progress, but it has always preserved its original scheme. And it is this scheme that must be made known, if we want to oppose it in all its different forms: health, energy, climatic, war, financial, and religious. A scheme that is undeniably inspired not only by the cancellation of the only true religion, but also by its replacement by the Luciferian religion of progress, humanity, brotherhood, and Mother Earth.

Let us not be surprised, therefore, if the initial pretext with which Freemasonry undermined the authority of the Catholic Church in the name of religious freedom is falling apart, leaving the unchallenged dominion – also recognized at the institutional level – of the only religion compatible with the ideology of the New World Order: the cult of Satan. Who, after having concealed himself for two centuries behind Prometheus and the goddess reason, today comes out publicly into the open and claims for himself that exclusivity for which he had reproached the true Church and denied her, to the point of becoming the “state religion,” imposing its absurd dogmas and false beliefs on the international community, indoctrinating children and young people in schools, and obliging citizens to comply with its precepts.

It seems that we are witnessing a global revival of paganism as under the reign of Julian the Apostate: a sort of revenge of the idolatrous cults on the religion of Christ, a revenge of darkness on the light. But this, as we know, is ontologically impossible.”

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