Archbishop Viganò on how the Satanic New World Order, Globalism and Freemasonry are destined to fail (6)

The consequences of accepting the lie

The concept of tolerance of evil – which in a society that is still Christian could somehow allow limited exceptions for a greater good – has been cancelled by civil society and the Church when, having lost the transcendent reference of the supreme good and the holy true – the Lord God – there is no longer any evil to tolerate, nor any property to be protected.

Because the contemporary acceptance of both the truth and its negation – the lie – is a logical contradiction, even before it is a theological one. And this is the result of a process that I believe deserves to be analyzed very carefully.

Subversion by the authority

The process to which I refer is that sequence of linked events that led the Catholic Church – and with it the nations in which Catholics are present and socially relevant – to personalize the relationship of the faithful with God where it had been public – through worship, the; liturgy – and to collectivize, so to speak, the relationship of the faithful with God, when it had been personal – conversion, prayer, meditation, ascetic and mystical experience.

This inversion – borrowed from Protestants – ensures that the action of the Church’s public worship becomes a moment of self‐celebration of individuals and groups, and not the choral voice of the Bride; and at the same time it cancels the intimate union of the soul with her Lord – something attainable only in individual recollection – in order to exalt a “community,” to give it the consistency and attractiveness of “walking together,” even if the walking has no goal.

Hieratic normality, which stands above time and space, yields to the temporariness of the experiment, to the unknown result, to pathetic creativity or sacrilegious improvisation. And this principle necessarily extends to civil life, where the witness of the Catholic is not only not necessary, but is indeed to be deplored; and where rulers, even if nominally Catholic, can legislate contrary to the Law of God and the Church. Because each of them is convinced that they can think in one way and act in the opposite way, while in reality they end up thinking on the basis of how they behave.”

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