A parliamentary question about the ingredients of chemtrails – for MaltaToday, chemtrails are just another conspiracy theory

According to an article published by Malta Today back in November 2022, written by Matthew Vella, the local anti-vaxxers had turned to the conspiracy theory of chemtrails.

The article is a character assassination of Paul Chetcuti, the same scientist who has guided me and helped me throughout dad’s ordeal in hospital. Paul Chetcuti was also the one to order us to give dad propolis, the natural, cheap healing remedy which cured my dad’s lungs in a week, when the ‘scientists’ and ‘doctors’ of the white apron at hospital had told us that there is no way that dad’s lungs will get back to where they were, and that thus, there was no way out for dad as that meant he had to be attached for eternity to the ventilator. Why didn’t you tackle this Malta Today? Maybe you can sell the propolis factual theory vs the medical mafia conspiracy theories?

But what do you expect from the bigilla and galletti media which sells you everything except researched material and truth?

What do you expect from the media, which is only after selling you illusions?

For the bigilla and galletti media of the Malta of Today where critical thinking by the Maltese of Today is not a conspiracy theory, chemtrails are a conspiracy theory. Questioning everything is equivalent to deprogramming yourself from what you have been taught! But the media wants to keep you programmed so much so that it will try to debate with you over things that it has never researched or that it refuses to research or that it is not allowed to research.

Thankfully, there are many so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ who have posed questions about chemtrails to the European Commission:

So, let us go through another parliamentary question about chemtrails which reads:

“According to an Italian blogger, from 1996 until now, there has been an increase in chemical trails, also known as chemtrails, which many people know nothing about. These trails, unlike condensation trails, do not dissipate quickly into the atmosphere. In addition, there is proof which confirms the presence of there being harmful chemical elements in the trails. Some researchers have studied the composition and effects of this phenomenon, which may to us seem harmless and commonplace. According to these experts, chemical trails are the result of experimental operations which have manifold purposes. The main objectives, albeit unproven, range from the meteorological to the military. The analyses carried out have verified the presence of the following elements in the chemtrails: barium, aluminium, radioactive thorium and caesium, copper, titanium, silicon, lithium, cobalt, lead, ethylene dibromide and several pathogenic agents.

Chemical trails can cause a condition called Morgellons syndrome. It is a disease which causes serious deterioration in the body. As well as this disease, chemtrails are associated with other illnesses such as tumours, Parkinson’s disease and cardiac dysfunction.

Given that the effects on human health caused by the chemical trails described in the blog seem to be very serious, can the Commission state if it is aware of the effects of chemical trails and what the European Union’s position is as regards the objectives that are being pursued and giving rise to this phenomenon?”

Dear Malta Today, it looks as if there are many worldwide conspiracy theorists questioning chemtrails and asking questions to the European Commission. Because, dear Malta Today, there are no longer conspiracy theories. There is only truth and denial.

Dear Malta Today, can you do some research and become a bullshit analyser, instead of calling anyone who questions things, a conspiracy theorist?

Dear Malta Today, remember that the highest form of intelligence is the ability to question absolutely everything you think you know. Intelligence is not abut knowing without question.

Dear readers, remember that climate politics is just another global, reset tool. And the media is not going to sell you anything which clears up your mind pollution because the media plays the role ordered by the handlers which are using the climate scam brought about by geo-engineering which includes chemtrails as a trojan horse to seize control of the production and distribution of the global food supply, among other factors.

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